Anulax Batteries

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☆Y/n's P.o.v☆

We're standing around waiting for the Abilisk, while Rocket is fixing up some speakers.

"Show time A-holes!!" Peter calls out as his device beeps,

"It's gonna be here any minute.."

"Which will be it's last.." Gamora says, cocking her gun. I watch as Peter turns to her, slightly confused.

"I thought your thing was a sword."

"We've been hired to stop an interdimensional beast from feeding on those batteries, and I'm gonna stop it with a sword..?" Peter gets a 'you dumbass' look from Gamora, and Peter continues,

"Its just swords were your thing, and guns were mine, but I guess were both doing guns now.. I just didn't know that." Peter keeps looking from the device to a space in the air, trying to kill the awkwardness.

"Drax. Why aren't you wearing one of Rocket's air-o-rigs..?" I say, causing Gamora to look at him,

"It hurts." Gamora looks at him questionable,

"Hurts..?" Drax looks over his shoulder slightly to look at her.

"I have sensitive nipples." He finishes, and I hear Rocket bust out laughing.

"My nipples hurt..Oh Goodness me!!" I smack Rocket's shoulder, and he stops, wiping a fake tear from his eye.

"What about him!? What's he doing?"

"I'm finishing this so we can listen to tunes while we work."

"How is that a priority.." I sit on one of the speakers, and zone out, watching Groot. He goes after some little things, yelling, he pushes one over, and I stand up, picking Groot up, before he can punch the other one.

"That wasn't very nice, Groot." He gives me a small innocent look,

"I am Groot." I roll my eyes and turn to Rocket.

"They were not looking at you funny." There's a loud bang, and the Abilisk appears in a cloud of blue and green.

"Whoa. That's intense.." Rocket says, as I put Groot down near the speakers, standing in front of him. The creature falls to the platform, and Drax charges it, yelling like normal. I watch everyone else take off, as I have to stay back, and keep an eye on Groot. I turn my back to the speakers, and I end up too focused on the fight, that I don't hear the music start.

The monster knocks this ring thing over, and I turn, seeing Groot dancing away. I get to all fours, and run, seeing the tentacle start to fall. I jump, and end up, pushing Groot a little, and getting pressed down by the appendage. I go to push it off, but its sticky, and takes me into the fight. I claw and scratch whatever touches me, and I end up getting the tentacle from around my waist off, sending myself flying. I land, and shake my head seeing Groot eating a bug. I scramble to my feet, and grab the bug, smacking his back lightly.

"Groot, get that out of your mouth. That's disgusting!" I turn, seeing the Abilisk, I grab Groot, rolling to the side. Groot's safe, but I have to dodge again, and when I look for Groot he's being taken by one of the rat things right into the fight. I snarl and chase after them, Groot yells, an actual scared scream, and I push myself harder. I duck and weave following as close as I can, I get close enough, and swipe the creature's legs out from under it. It takes off, and I watch Groot starting to dance again. Then the stereo breaks when Drax falls on it, and Groot starts to attack him. Drax sits up, and I take some metal pieces from his back, he finally stands up.

"The beast's hide is too thick to be pierced from the outside. I must cut through it from the inside." Gamora looks at him,

"Huh?" I tilt my head, confused by him. Drax just laughs in response and raises his blades.

"No. No! Drax, wait a minute!!" Gamora calls out to him, and I grab Groot from where he is by Drax's feet. Drax runs off.

"DRAX!!" We both yell. He runs his way over to the Abilisk, and jumps as it turns. The monster opens it's mouth, and gulps up Drax.

"What is he doing?!" Peter yells, and I answer.

"He said the skin is too think to be pierced from the outside, so he." Peter cuts me off.

"That doesn't make any sense." Gamora replies with,

"I tried telling him that!" Those two keep going back and forth, and I give up listening to them fight.

"GUYS!" They look down at me.

"There's a cut on it's neck." I turn to the flying ball of tough fluff.

"ROCKET!! Get it to look up!!" He starts shooting it, as Peter flies up to join him. I watch as they fire at it, and then we get an opening. I look at Gamora, and she nods, going to shoot it her gun jams, and she takes out her sword, running towards it. She steps on one of the tentacles and jumps, lodging her blade into the gash on the neck. With her weight pulling on the sword, she manages to cut the beast down to the ground. She stands, and we eventually see Drax slide out.

"Yes! I have single-handedly vanquished the beast!!" Groot throws what I think is a rock at Drax's forehead, and I grab his arm. Drax looks down at Groot, confused.


--Heres a quick little update, I'll make the required amount of votes smaller, since this is a smaller chapter!! SO IN ORDER TO GET THE NEXT UPDATE THIS CHAPTER WILL BE NEEDING*Drum roll* Thirty Votes!!! (30)--


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