What Happened?!

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She runs to the orb, closing it, and as they are about to turn and leave Peter catches a glimpse of white fur, from behind the table.



-3rd person P.O.V-

Gamora and Quill leave the Collector's hideout, orb in her hand, Y/n in his. Peter blocks out Gamora, to focus on his steps, making sure he doesn't step on any rickety debris. Rocket and Groot come up to the two.

"What do you still have it for?" The greedy raccoon asks, pulling on the bottom lids of his eyes.

"What are we gonna do, leave it in there..?" Peter asks Rocket, slightly pissed.

"I can't believe you had that in your purse!" The raccoon looks at him, and his face drops, as his eyes land on y/n's unconscious form.

"It's not a purse it's a knapsack!" Rocket tunes him out as he runs up to Quill.

"Is she OK?!" He asks, trying to pull Quill's arms down, so he can clearly see her, as Quill tries to pull his arms out of Rocket's grasp.

"She's fine! Just unconscious!" Rocket seems to calm down some, then Gamora cuts in.

"We have to bring this to the Nova Corps. There's a chance they can contain it."

"Are you kidding me? We're wanted by the Nova Corps. Just give it to Ronan!" The fur-ball exclaims completely forgetting the female in Quill's arms.

"So he can destroy the galaxy?!"

"What are you, some saint all of the sudden..? What has the galaxy ever done for you? Why would you wanna save it?"

"Because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it!"

"Peter, listen to me. We cannot allow the Stone to fall into Ronan's hands. We have to get back to your ship, and deliver it to Nova."

"Right, right, okay. I think you're right. Or we could give it to somebody who's not going to arrest us. Who's really nice, for a whole lot of money. I think it's a really good balance between both of your points of view. "

"You're despicable. Dishonorable. Faithless!" Gamora starts to walk away to stop.

"Oh no."

"At last! I shall meet my foe and destroy him!" Drax says, facing a fleet of ships.

"You called Ronan?" Peter says, in a mix between fear, anger, and surprise. They watch the ship come in to land as Quill hears his name.

"Quill! Don't you move boy!" They spot ships, and start to move towards them.

"Don't you move! Get out of the way!" Yondu shouts trying to chase after Quill. Gamora, Peter, and Rocket go to each get into a miner ship. Peter hands Y/n to Groot when he sees that he isn't getting into the ship with Rocket. 

"Take care of her!" Peter yells, running to his ship.

"I am Groot."

As Drax calls out to Ronan, challenging him to a battle, the others are getting into their ships, and Groot standing off to the side, a white bundle of fur in his arms.


-Rocket's P.O.V-

We're flying through the city as Quill speaks up to me.

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