Chapter 17: No Escape

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Darjeeling's POV

I should've never kissed her. I got too comfortable, I let my guard down, and it was a mistake. It always is.

I walked through campus at a brisk pace. It'd been a week and a half since the incident at the party. Kay and I hadn't spoken. I'd blocked her number and moved seats in class. It wasn't particularly that I was angry at her, but I needed time to process my emotions.

It's something I should've done at the start.

My last class had just ended and I was now on my way to the dorm building. Rosehip had invited me out to a bakery with the other girls but I politely declined. I really wasn't feeling up to socialize.

I opened the door to the dorm room, tossing my bag onto the couch and hurriedly walking to my room. I faceplanted into my soft comforter, sighing heavily.

What now?

I rolled over and stared the ceiling, thinking.

I could work on assignments...

I then remembered that all my assignments for the next week were finished. Burying myself in my work made it easier to forget about Kay, though she always found a way to cross my mind randomly. I made a mental note to ask for extra credit work from my professors.

I could go on a walk...

My first thought was the nature walk on the edge of campus, but that was where Kay and I had first confessed our true feelings. So where was I to go? The lunchroom where we'd shared meals? The courtyard I'm always standing in when she runs up to me out of nowhere?

I smiled as I remembered her nearly tackling me the other day, like a puppy whose owner had just returned home. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. Looking over at my bedside table, I grabbed my phone. At first I was just going to play a game, but thirty minutes later I had scrolled through her entire Instagram. Fuck.

I threw my phone onto my bed, jumping up and stretching. Though I had declined the invite to eat with the girls, I was really hungry. I really do not feel like cooking.

Cooking. Cooking with Kay. Her chocolate chip waffles...

I huffed, annoyed at myself for not being able to focus. My phone dinged, my screen lighting up to reveal an email about croissants being half price today in the cafeteria.

Oh you have got to be kidding me. I sunk my head into my hands. I can't take this anymore.

I felt around the bed for my jacket. Maybe some fresh air will help.

I searched the room but it was nowhere in sight. A bell noise went off in my head. That's right, I left it at Pekoe's.

I slid my phone into my pocket, walking out of the room and making my way to the door. It took only a few steps to make it to Pekoe's door. Strangely enough, it was unlocked. If all the girls are gone, then why is the door unlocked?

My eyes widened as I imagined an intruder breaking into their dorm. Okay Darjeeling, you've taken down creeps before. This is no different.

I took a deep breath, steadying myself before throwing the door open and bursting into the dorm. "FREEZE!" I yelled.


Wait.. what the hell?

"Pekoe?" I asked in shock.

There in front of me on the couch laid Pekoe and Naomi, tangled up and half naked. I sucked my teeth as I realized what I'd just walked in on. The door must've been unlocked for Naomi.

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