Chapter 18: Finally

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Darjeeling's POV

I sat across from Kay, quietly sipping my smoothie. She'd insisted on getting me one to drink while we talked.

Kay leaned back in her chair, running her eyes over me. I swear I saw her entire face soften as she smiled faintly.

"It's good to see your face, D."


It was quiet for a moment.

"Look, I'm sorry-" I started.

"Shh." she interrupted. "I need you to be quiet. I'm gonna explain this very clearly. Any misunderstandings, I want cleared up. Yes?"

She spoke clearly, but her chest heaved. I looked down, nodding.

"The party. I didn't kiss him. He forced himself on me."

I snapped my head up to meet her gaze and opened my mouth to speak before she shushed me again.

"He was really drunk. He's been trying to get closer to me for a while. When he noticed how much time I've spent with you, he got jealous."

My eyes were huge as I sat there soaking up her every word.

"I have no feelings for him. We are - err, were - partners in cooking class. He seemed cool, but I guess you never know.. anyways, he's packing his bags to leave. I told him if he didn't leave, I'd tell the headmaster and he'd go to jail, or at least be expelled."

I raised my hand and Kay chuckled. "Permission granted."

"You need to tell someone anyway. If-" I said.

"Yeah yeah, I know. That's why I contacted his parents. They'll deal with him when he gets home." she said.


"Look D, I don't wanna focus on that right now. I just need you to understand that I didn't initiate that kiss, and I would never, ever, hurt you like that." She reached across the table, placing a hand over mine.

A horrible pit of guilt and shame had opened in my stomach. "I'm....Kay, I'm so sorry." I said, my voice breaking. "When I saw you two... I had flashbacks of a really bad experience with someone else. It scared me and I just pushed it all away. I didn't even consider the possibility that.. I was being selfish."

"It hurt me a lot, Darjeeling."

"I'm sorry-"

"I was terrified I'd never be able to explain myself to you. I was this close to reaching out to Rosehip or Pekoe to talk to you. I had no idea how you were feeling."


"I had no idea...." she repeated loudly, and I noticed the crack in her voice. A tear fell down her cheek.

My legs moved on their own, before I knew it I was sitting in Kay's lap. I tilted her chin up and wiped her tear with my spare hand.

She closed her eyes, leaning her head against my hand.

"I'm tired of this, D." she whispered. "I'm tired of the complications- I just wanna be with you." She opened her eyes, staring up at me.

She looks exhausted.

"Okay." I said.


"Let's go on a date. A real date, just the two of us."

"Wha... really? If this is a joke, it's not funny."

"Meet me at the dorm rooftop. I'm free tonight, if you are too."

"Yeah.. yeah, that works. How about like... 9 pm?"

I nodded. Kay smiled, leaning back and kissing my hand.

"Thank you, Darjeeling. And if you're late, I will tell everyone I know about the Chirpy story. You remember, the museum and...."

"SHH.. I get it, I get it. Jeez." I shook my head and Kay laughed. It grew quiet and after a few seconds, awkward.

"So, I have to go. Um, homework and all." I lied. I stood up from Kay's lap, stretching and turning in the direction of the dorm building.

"Yeah, Alisa's been waiting on her smoothie for like, seven years now." She chuckled. "See you tonight."

I grinned and waved, As I walked back to the dorms I pulled out my phone. I opened my messages with Naomi.

"Hey, I need a favor. Mind working security tonight? I need to make sure no one comes on to the rooftop past 9 PM, and you're my scariest looking friend. No offense."

"Sure." She responded. "But can I ask why?"

I bit my lip, twiddling my thumbs before beginning to type. "Well..."

A/N: Sorry for the long release date for such a short chapter. Finals are coming up and school is drowning me. I wrote this from Darjeeling's POV since I felt it wouldn't be interesting or make sense from Kay's. Next chapter will probably be Kay's POV.

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