Chapter 5: Clumsy

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Kay's POV

The egg cracked nicely into the white bowl in front of me. Clean. No shell.

I rinsed the yolk off of my hands and grabbed a whisk. I whisked the eggs into a sticky liquid state and then added salt and pepper to the mix. I poured the eggs into the pan as elegantly as I could. Ssssssss. The pan sizzled and steam escaped from the center.
Shit, maybe the heat's too high...

"Wanna turn that down cowgirl?"

I turned to the boy beside me who had spoken. I laughed and replied "Yeah, I was thinking the same."

The professor walked up to my station as I turned down the heat of the electric stovetop.

"Kay, mind your heat, you don't want them to burn."

"Yes Miss Fox, I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize darling, it happens." She said with a wink and walked away.

I sighed and sprinkled shredded cheese on the eggs.

"Oh, I forgot my shredded cheese today, can I borrow some of yours?" said the boy next to me.

"Um, yah sure! I have more than enough..." I trailed off because I swore I could see the edge of a shredded cheese bag poking out from his backpack. "...anyways, so it's fine." I looked back up at him and smiled as he took a small handful from the bag at my station.

"Eyes on your own stations." said Mrs. Fox from across the room, and we locked eyes. "Just a reminder." She turned her eyes back towards her own station. "Now, everyone's eggs should be done. If you burn them they won't be fluffy, and no one likes chewy eggs. You and your partner should exchange dishes and rate each other on a scale of one to five, five being the best. We only have ten minutes before class ends, so please do not delay."

I turned to to boy beside me who'd borrowed my cheese. "Guess you're my partner. I'm Kay."

"I'm Liam." He stuck out his hand and I shook it.

I then emptied my eggs onto a plate and slid them over to his side of the countertop. He handed me his plate and I grabbed a fork from the silverware tray. He watched me anxiously while I bit into his eggs.

Oh, fuuuck me. These are heavenly.

I swallowed and looked at him. "Liam, these are spectacular! They're sooo light!" I exclaimed and took another bite.

He sighed with what sounded like relief and shook his head. "Nah no way... I mean...well, maybe..."

"Hmmm... I rate theeeese...."

He furrowed his brows expectantly.

"Mmm.... 9.5 out of 10"

"Yes!" he said under his breath. "Wait... why not ten?"

I smiled and nodded at my plate in front of him. He seemed to get the message and scooped up a forkful and put it in his mouth.

His eyes nearly bulged out of his head. "Oh wow... *choking noise*.. what- What is that?" he questioned and swallowed hard.

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