Chapter 7: Crutches.

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Kay's POV

~ The Next Day. ~

I opened my eyes and blinked a few times before sitting up to stretch. "MMMMhhhh~". I looked around and saw Alisa walking into the kitchen.

"Hey Alisa, what time is it?" I asked.

"Go back to sleep Kay, your classes don't start for another two hours. Lucky ass."

"Not my fault you were bein' so loud and woke me up."

She glared at me and I stuck my tongue out.

"Well where's Naomi then?" I asked.

"Already left. Said she had something to do before class."

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

She shrugged. "I dunno. Beats me."

I sighed and laid back down. My ankle felt a bit better today. It wasn't as sore, though it was still far from painless. Yesterday Darjeeling and I had just binged the Bring It On series, since she'd never seen it before.

Seriously! How had she never seen Bring It On?!

I chuckled to myself and shook my head.

"What's so funny?" asked Alisa with a mouthful of waffle.

"Nothing." I said, still smiling at the ceiling.

"Okay weirdo..." she said and walked to the sink. "Well, I gotta go before I'm late. Will you be fine here by yourself for a couple hours? I think Naomi will be free when your first block starts, she'll probs escort you to class."

"I'm not a child Alisa, I'll be fine. Now go."

She slung her bag over her shoulder and went out the door, clicking it shut behind her.

I sighed heavily. What on earth am I gonna do for two more hours? I should probably eat.

I sat up once again and shakily heaved myself up and onto my crutches. I went into the kitchen where I noticed Alisa had left two waffles on a plate for me on the counter. I grinned and carried the plate over to the bar and set it down. I leaned my crutches against the wall and slid into a stool. I ate in silence for a while. I wonder what Darjeeling's doing right now. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted her a simple "Wassup?"

We had exchanged numbers before she left last night. I still remember how happy I was laughing with her during the movies, I didn't think such a loud laugh could come from such a dainty girl. A wave of loneliness had hit me the second the door clicked shut behind her as she left. Her presence... it felt so natural. It was as if I'd known her for a long time.

I nearly jumped out of my seat when my phone dinged with a reply.

"Sitting in class. The professor fell asleep at his desk and no one seems to want to wake him?"

"Why would they?" I asked.

"Are we not here to learn?" she responded.

I giggled. Aw man, she's so pure.

"How's your ankle today?" she asked.

"Better, still a pain in the ass though."

"Ah. Sorry to hear that."

"Yeah. no worries though, I think I'm just gonna finish eating and go back to sleep until my class is about to start."

"That's probably for the best, you need as much rest as you can get."

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