Chapter 16: Don't Go

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Darjeeling's POV

We'd stayed up studying all that night. The next day wasn't very eventful, since everyone slept 'til the evening. But today was the day of the party.

When I lifted my head up off it's spot on Assam's lap, the sky was orange and pink. I sat up and stretched. Rosehip and Kay were passed out in odd positions on the floor, Assam and I were on the couch.

I tried to recall the events of last night. Let's see.... we stayed up until 3 AM working, and then stayed up 'til 6 AM talking and eating. Yup, sounds about right.

I swung my legs onto the floor, standing up slowly. "Uugghhh.." I groaned.

Rosehip blinked her eyes open, wincing at the light from the wide open windows. "What time is it?" she asked groggily.

I slid my phone off the coffee table and read the time on screen. "7 PM."

"Ooh boy." said Rose. "We slept way too much."

"Definitely." I sighed. "Wake up the others, I'll make breakfast. Or.. brunch? I don't know."

"Aye-Aye, Captain." said Rose. I walked over to the stove, cutting a burner on. I grabbed a pack of bacon out of the fridge. I heard groans from the living room as the girls woke up. After washing my hands, I cut open the package, pulling out a few strips of bacon and placing them in the pan. A few seconds later Kay walked up behind me, placing her head on my shoulder and inhaling deeply. "Mmm, smells good D."

I shook my head. "You could help you know, little miss culinary major."

She smiled, walking over to the waffle maker and cutting it on. "Yes ma'am."

I flipped the bacon. "I'm thinking we'll eat, and then get dressed and head to the party. Do you think it'll be late enough by that time?"

"Oh yeah, but it'll probably last all night. There's no rush. I'm sure everyone needs a moment to wake up anyways." Kay replied.

"Amen to that." said Rosehip from the living-room.

I watched Kay as she mixed the batter for the waffles. Her blonde waves were pulled back in a puffy ponytail. I returned my attention to my bacon, pulling the finished ones out of the pan and putting them on a plate on the countertop. I laid new pieces in the pan, met once again by the sizzling sound of the grease.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kay sprinkling chocolate chips into the waffle batter. I shook my head. "What is it with you and chocolate?" I asked her.

"If you can have chocolate in something, you should have chocolate in it. I don't make the rules." she replied.

"I'm pretty sure you did make that rule." I said.

"Shush! Who's the culinary expert here?" she said, pouring the first of the waffles into the iron.

I raised my hands in surrender, smiling. "You're right, my apologies."

Assam walked in, yawning. "Mm, it smells wonderful in here."

"Yeah yeah, pour me some juice pretty girl." said Kay as she put her first waffle on the plate beside the iron.

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