Chapter 9: Making Amends

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Kay's POV


That. Was. Terrible.

"LiKe i cArE iF yOu dIe AnD sTuFf"

Oh my god. I'm a dumbass. What is WRONG with me.

I turned down the hallway and walked towards the staircase. The whole way there I mentally berated myself.

How could I be so stupid? I care about her way more than just if she's alive or dead. I'm always thinking about her. Everything reminds me of her. Like when I was baking those croissants today.

Oohhhh my god. I forgot my croissants. I left them in the classroom. I bet it's still unlocked.

I turned around and headed back up the stairs. When I turned the corner, I ran into D by the top of the stairs.

We locked eyes for a second and she smiled awkwardly before brushing past me and going down the stairs.

I winced. Oof.

I kept walking to Ms. Fox's room and knocked on the door a few times. "Come in, please." rang a voice from inside.

"Hi miss Fox." I said as I came in and walked to my station. "I just forgot my croissants."

She nodded as I slid my croissants out of the oven and emptied them into a cloth bag.

I walked to the door but stopped just short of it as a thought popped into my head.

"Ms. Fox." I said, turning around.

"Yes?" she replied.

"What do you know about women?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Uhh.... well, I have this... friend. And she's sorta mad at me. Or, upset, or... I dunno it's just not normal between us right now. I wanna make it right but I don't know how to approach her. I thought maybe you could help."

Ms. Fox nodded and smiled knowingly.

"Well," she began "I always say food is the way to the heart."

I smiled. "You're right. Thanks." I waved and left the room with the croissants. It was taking all of my willpower not to pull my phone out and dial Darjeeling's number. I couldn't stand things being weird between us for one more second, but I knew this was something I needed to fix in person.

It didn't take me long to reach the yard and be on my way to the dorm building. It was so hot outside. I pulled off my blazer and threw it across my shoulder as I jogged to the door of the building. I pulled it open and stepped inside, nearly collapsing when the cool air touched my skin.

I closed the door behind me and jogged up the stairs until I reached my floor. I shuffled up to the door of my dorm and the keys jingled as I unlocked the door and stepped inside.

"Hey blondie." said Naomi as I let my book bag slide onto the floor.

"Hey." I sighed. "Jesus, I thought I was gonna melt on my way here. It's gotta be like a hundred degrees outside."

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