Chapter 2: Finding My Place

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Darjeeling's POV

Sighing and taking a sip from my tea, I linked arms with Assam and walked to the dorm registry booth. We took up a place at the end of the line. "So..." she started but trailed off. I nudged her arm and raised an eyebrow. "I'm so nervous!" she spouted. "I feel like a laser in one of those kinetic energy orbs or something."

"That.. that makes no sense Assam." I said, giggling quietly to myself. She huffed and tried again. "Ya know- like a supercharged bouncy ball!" I furrowed my brows and cracked a smile. She got frustrated and continued trying to express herself to me. She ranted so much I sort of zoned out.
I guess I'll dorm with Assam and Rosehip, And Rukiriri and the others can-


I blinked and looked over at her. Assam modded to the person in front of us. We had reached the front of the line already.

Oh jeez. I didn't even notice.

"Oh. right. Sorry." I grabbed a pen and entered our names on the ledger. The woman read over our request and smiled at us. She handed me three keys - one for each of us.

"Thank you." I said.

"No problem!" she replied.

Assam grabbed my hand and pulled me over to where Rosehip was standing. Rosehip hugged both of us ecstatically. "Did you finish registering?!" she asked.
I smiled and held up her key.

"Screeee!! Oof i'm so excited!!" She screeched and half the auditorium turned to look at us.

"Rosehip! Inside voice!" said Assam, but she was giggling as well. I could tell both of them were super excited. I looked over to the other three girls who were now registering for their dorms.

"I hope Orange and the other girls get a dorm close to ours." I said and frowned.
"Awwww is baby Darjeeling worrieeeddd?" mused Rosehip. I smiled and shook my head.

"Let's just go." I said and walked towards the door. "We can meet up with the girls later after everything is settled." Assam and Rose nodded and we walked out the door into the university's front yard. Once we got to the dorm building and found our room everyone raced to claim their rooms.
I ended up getting the biggest and making both the girls jealous.

Sighing and sinking into a chair at the kitchen table, I checked my phone for the first time today.
Three missed calls from my mother.
She must be worried. I should really get back to her.

"Darjeeling! Hello! Jeez you've been distant all day!"

I looked up to see Rosehip pouting at me and tying an apron behind her back.
"Rukuriri and the girls will be here in less than an hour. They're bringing sides but we're supposed to be making fried chicken to go with it. I was going to ask if you could-"

"Yeah, Rosehip, Yeah just gimme a second I gotta go call my mom real quick." I said and excused myself. I ignored her annoyed huff as I stepped onto the balcony and clicked the glass door shut behind me.

brriiingggg. brriiinnggg. briiinggg.

Come on Mom, pick up. I've missed you so much today.

"Darjeeling? Sweetie?" said Mum through the phone. "Oh goodness, how i've missed you! Tell me everything!"

I smiled at the sound of her voice and I felt a weight lift off my shoulders that I hadn't known was there before. "Hello Mum. Glad to hear you're alright. ....I've missed you lots too.....Yeah, Yeah i'm fine...."

I looked over my shoulder to see Assam preparing the batter and eggs for the chicken.

"Sweetie! Oh oh just you wait here I'm gonna go get your father so he can speak to you. Honey? Honey! Come here Darjeeling is on the phone!"

My poor father barely had the chance to say two words to me before my mum snatched the phone back from him.

I found myself cracking up at their antics. It felt..nice. Normal. Today had been so stressful. I was ready to take my hair down, maybe take a quick nap before dinner. Not that the girls will ever allow me to skip out on helping them.


"Huh? What? Sorry Mum I wasn't paying attention can you repeat that?"

She started again. "I said did you meet anyone interesting today? Anyone new? Any cute booooys?"

"Oh. Well today's been kind of rushed honestly I hardly had time to-"

And then I thought of her. Blonde hair. Wavy. Blue eyes. Smile that lit up a room. She seemed so happy to just be... existing. It was admirable.

"Well actually, there might have been one girl."

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