Chapter 6: You'll Take Care of Me, Won't You?

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Darjeeling's POV

I held Kay up and dragged her down the hallways and to the nurse's office. The entire time we'd been walking, she'd been staring at me in a daze. When I caught her, instead of looking at the ground or offering an explanation, she just grinned like some sort of crazy person. So typical of her.

I knocked on the door of the nurse's office a couple times before pushing the handle down and stepping into the room. "Umm, Hello? Nurse Yuzu, are you here?"

A short woman with bouncy brown hair and soft eyes appeared from another part of the room. "Hi, that's me! Is there something I can help you with?"

I looked at Kay and raised an eyebrow. "Well, Kay. Is there something she can help us with?"

Kay just chuckled sheepishly and pointed at her ankle.

"Oh my," said nurse Yuzu, "here, help me sit her up here." She said and patted a long raised cushioned seat against the wall. I helped her raise Kay up to sit on it and together we managed to get her up there. "Phew~ Kay, how much fried chicken do you eat? I think it's starting to affect your weight." I said and stretched my back.

"Aw c'mon D, as if I'd eat any without inviting you over. That's our thing now, ya know." She said and winked at me. Nurse Yuzu disappeared into a separate room, I assumed to grab her equipment.

"We... have a thing??" I questioned and looked up at her quizzically.

"Yeah, of course,we're friends after all."

My heart skipped a beat at the words... I didn't know why, I mean it was safe to assume that we were friends already, but I guess I hadn't given it much thought and to hear it come from her... I looked her up and down. Her features were so cute and perky. They complimented her personality perfectly.

"Heyyyyy D, I like it up here. I'm taller than you now." She mused.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't think that counts. You're sitting on the bench."

She clicked her tongue. "Nah, I bet i'm taller than you even on the ground. Look, watch this." She said and started trying to slide down from where she was seated.

"Kay, no. Stop it, you're going to fall, you can't even stand!" I flung out my arms as fast as I could and caught her just before her feet touched the floor.

I was now holding her with my arms underneath hers , holding her up against the cushioned bench she'd been sitting on.

We stared at each other in shock.
We were so close our breath mingled.
Time slowed as I caught the twinkle of the fluorescent lights reflected in her deep blue eyes. I couldn't move. Adrenaline filled my body but my mind stayed blank. Her gaze held mine and we each sat still as statues.

Footsteps clicking on the tile floor brought me back to my senses.

"Well I'm back, I'm assuming your ankle's twisted so I brought some ice and over the counter pain meds for-..." My eyes widened as Nurse Yuzu's voice sounded from behind us.

This probably looks so indecent...

"I- I'm so sorry Nurse Yuzu... uhh.. she..slipped, I was just catching her, since, you know, she can't really stand..." I stuttered and cleared my throat, boosting Kay back up onto the medical bench. "She really doesn't know when to quit." I said and gave her a mean look.

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