Chapter 23: Big News

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Darjeeling and I had spent all week packing. The semester was almost over, anyways.

I walked down to the student parking lot, twirling my keys around my finger. The crisp breeze rustled the trees as I rounded the corner.

Darjeeling waved, leaning on the hood of my car. She smiled as I approached, greeting me by grabbing my hand and kissing me.

I pressed my forehead against hers, whispering words of adoration to her. After another kiss, we parted to get in the car.

A few minutes later we were heading down the road on our way to meet all of our friends. Darjeeling's, of course, were joining us on our journey back to England. But mine...

I winced, feeling a pang in my heart as I drove. Street lights flew past, and I placed one hand on Darjeeling's thigh for reassurance.

She laced her fingers with mine, and my anxiety melted away. This is a celebration. I reminded myself.

We pulled into the parking lot. I got out first as usual, running to the passenger's side to open Darjeeling's door for her.

"Thank you, love." She said, smiling. "Shall we go inside?"

I nodded, my worry returning. She turned and went towards the door, but my legs refused to move.

Darjeeling noticed, turning and walking back to me.

"Kay, are you alright?" she asked. "What's wrong?"

My eyes stung. "What if... they get angry?" I said quietly.

"Kay, that's nonsense. You know they'll be happy for us."

"I just feel like.. I'm betraying them."

Darjeeling clicked her tongue, crossing her arms.

"You have so much love for them, it's obvious to anyone around you guys. They know it too."


"This isn't a goodbye forever, Kay. You'll see them again."

I nodded, wiping a tear. She braced a hand on my back and led me inside the restaurant.

The heat inside was a nice change from the chilly autumn air. I spotted the girls almost immediately. They waved us over excitedly.

"We ordered your drinks!" said Rosehip as we approached. "Tea for Darjeeling..."

"And coffee for Kay." said Naomi, grinning at me.

"Thank you, girls." said Darjeeling as we took our seats.

I stared at the ground anxiously.

"Kay, what's up with that face?" asked Alisa, raising an eyebrow. "We're all together again, this is a rare opportunity."

Darjeeling spoke for me, thankfully. "Indeed it is. Let's order, shall we?"

Everyone decided on a late night breakfast. Moments later, heaps of pancakes and eggs and bacon were spread out before us.

"Mmm.." said Alisa, her mouth full of toast."

"Pass the butter!" said Assam.

The girls laughed, joking as they ate. I joined in without realizing it. The second I looked at Darjeeling, I remembered why we came.

I cleared my throat, hesitant to break up their fun. "Girls."

Everyone looked at me with curiosity on their faces. I inhaled deeply. "I.. we have something to tell you."

Darjeeling held my hand under the table, giving me strength.

"Well, what is it then?" asked Alisa. Naomi raised her eyebrows, waiting for my answer.

"It's almost the end of the semester-" I started.

"Ohhh, is that why we're celebrating? Surprised we made it this far." giggled Assam.

"Ohhh, but it's so sad that all you English girls have to leave." replied Alisa. Her frown then turned into a look of confusion. "Oh, wait a second, Kay how will you..?"

The room was silent for a moment.

Naomi broke the silence. "Kay, you're leaving, aren't you?"

I squeezed Darjeeling's hand, suddenly overwhelmed with pressure. "I am." I said quietly.

Silence fell once again, and then Naomi broke into a smile. "Pekoe, go on and tell them."

My eyes widened. I hadn't considered what Naomi and Pekoe would do.

Pekoe fidgeted, visibly nervous. "I'm.. staying here. At least for another semester. I've already enrolled, so..."

Naomi kissed Pekoe's forehead. Everyone looked around in stunned silence.

"Well, then," said Darjeeling finally. "I think we have even more reason to celebrate now."

She looked at me and I smiled in response. Everyone burst into conversation; settling details, asking questions. I grinned as I looked on, relieved that there was no tension. I sipped my coffee happily.

"Kay, you have to come up and see us sometimes!" said Alisa, pouting.

"Of course! You think I'd spend a winter in England? Absolutely not." I replied, laughing.

"Oooh winter, what about Christmas?" asked Assam. "If nothing else, we gotta be together for Christmas."

"Of course, we wouldn't miss that," said Darjeeling.

We all ate as we talked; it was midnight before the staff kicked us out. We all parted happily. "See you soon!" I yelled to Alisa and Naomi as I got in the car.

Darjeeling and I talked enthusiastically about our plans the entire way home. By the time we pulled into the parking lot on campus, she was half asleep.

I opened her door for her, leading her by the hand towards the dorm building. "Mmm Kay, I'm so sleepy..." she muttered, leaning on me for support.

"Yeah, it's been a long night. I'll walk you to your room."

She smiled, burying her face in my sleeve. "Thank you."

I kissed her hand. We entered the building and got in the elevator.

* * * * *

Soon I was tucking her into bed, kissing her hand before bidding her farewell.

As I turned to leave, I felt her fingers wrap around mine.


I spun back around to face her.

"You shouldn't be alone tonight." She continued.

I chuckled. "I'm a big girl, I'll make it."


"D, I'll -"

"Just let me coddle you. Just for tonight at least..." She held her arms open.

I sighed with relief. I was hoping she'd insist.

I shrugged my jacket off, climbing into bed with her.

Burying my face in her chest, I took a deep breath. And slept soundly until the birds began their morning song.

A/N: Oh my god I haven't released in like 2 months- I'm so sorry. Between college applications and this and that, I've hardly had any energy to write. If you're still here, thank you so much for your patience. Love u 

cover art creds: n_sb111

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