12. Part 1

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Zayn's POV

She was absolutely over the moon with the tickets. I knew she would like them, she is into the whole musical and child thing. She saw Wicked with Ellie and Katherine not to long ago. Then saw The Lion King with my sisters about a year ago. There for tonight, its probably a bit late to spring it onto her. She doesnt have all that long to get ready now but oh well.


This is a small snippet of Chapter 12. It is only being updated because I went to One Direction last night and I was in the mosh pit about 10m from the stage and I am still freaking out even though it was 14 hours ago. I will be attaching one of the concert photos i took to this.

Erin xx

btw Zayn's hair was amazayn. It was life. He is my angel.

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