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Perrie's POV

"There's nothing to it." I claim to Jesy.

"Please tell us what happened." Leigh wines. I already said that my lips were sealed but these girls are my best friends and I end up spilling anyway. I'm already having trouble keeping it from them. I about ready to blab to the world, which I will not do.

"Yeah this is big news. Zayn came out of his shell." Jade exclaims.

"Yeah and straight into yours." Jesy says as move of a side comment, that the girls were supposed to hear and not me. That's a new way to say that we had sex.

"So do you think that it worked?" Jade asks.

"Yeah, our little baby could have her own baby in 9 months." Leigh points out. I'm not sure if it did work. I don't feel different, but I don't think that I would after 5 hours. I just want to change the subject, so im not talking about my sex life with my best friends, it is kind of embarassing.

"You're making her blush." Jesy giggles and squeezes my cheeks which actually kind of hurt, so I swat her hands away. "Making her fisty too." She adds.

"Just shut up." I snap.

"Ok third album?" Jade asks, changing the subject, thank god. Now that I think about it I don't think I want a child. I did before, but now that it is all actually happening, I'm not so sure.


We had a last minute interview scheduled this afternoon by management with a magazine. So I had to call Zayn, otherwise he would have had a fit if I wasn't at home. He said he would drop by and watch though.

"Little Mix, everybody!" We walk out on stage. Jade and I sit in the front on the couch and Leigh and Jesy sit behind on the stools.

"Hi girls." Tracy greets us.

"Hi." We chirp back.

"So we want to know about the third album, any juicy details that you can give away yet?" She asks.

"It is going to be our best yet." Jesy says with confidence.

"We are still currently looking for the most up beat, hit song on the album for our single and first release." Leigh spills. That is about as much as we can give away though. 

"How many songs on the album?" Tracy asks.

"We actually aren't sure yet since we haven't finished but maybe around 16-17 songs." Jade says.

"Very good." She smiles. "Now what most of us want to know, is what's happing in your love lives." Tracy says. Here we go. This is generally where it becomes the Zayn and Perrie show.

"Jade, how 'bout you start." Tracy offers.

"Sam and I broke up." Jade announces. "But I have been on a date with Harry." That, I didn't know about.

"Harry? Harry Styles?" She asks Jade, and Jade nods. Now there will be more attention on her then me. I silently sink down in the couch to avoid the attention.

"Perrie?" I shoot straight up. 

"What?" I ask.

"How is married life treating you?" Tracy asks.

"Well, like every married couple, there is arguements. Ups and downs. But Zayn and I are happy." I say, because I don't want it to sound like Zayn and I have been fighting for the past 3 months about kids.

"Are there any plans for children in the near future?" She asks. The girls smirk at me, but Zayn and I haven't discussed what I'm going to say about this.

"Um, not just yet. Both bands are still going pretty strong." I explain.

"Do you know if you want a boy or girl first? You being both you and Zayn." She explains.

"Um...." Both Zayn and I want a girl first but i'm not so sure that it needs to be shared to the public. Why the heck not, our stalkish fans will find out eventually. "A girl."

"That's sweet." She grins. "What about Jesy? How are you and Jordan?" I'm so glad the focus is off me. Now i can sink into the couch again. I look over to the side wing in the curtains, to see Zayn waiting back stage. I feel my mood all of a sudden, shift. You know what they say, home is where the heart is.


The interview finishes and by the time we get back stage, I can't find Zayn. I'm not entirely worried though because I know he is here somewhere. Jade and I walk to the dressing room. Jesy and Leigh went to talk to people, I don't know what people, but people. When we walk into the dressing room, I get the biggest fright of my life. Zayn stands right behind the door with a creepy grin.

"Don't do that." I hit him in the chest as my heart rate tries to come back down.

"I didn't do anything, I just stood behind a door." He replies. "Hey Jade." He says.

"I think I'm going to leave before you two end up in a fight, or a tonsil hockey match." She smirks then leaves, probably to find the other girls. I step further inside the room then close the door. Zayn pulls me into his arms, then the conversation gets serious.

"Have you taken a test?" He asks.

"I won't have symptoms for another 2 weeks, and I don't think the stick tests work this early." I explain.

"They are called early pregnancy tests for a reason." He laughs.

"But not that early, about 2-4 weeks along kind of early." I correct him. 

"Why don't I send my driver down to get a box of tests, then we can see?" He offers.

"Why don't we just wait till we get home." I offer back.

"Ahh, Perrie.... Zayn." Tracy appears in the doorway. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I was walking past. Are you pregnant?" She asks.

"We don't know." Zayn says.

"Well we'll hope for the best, congratulations." She smiles before leaving again.

"Stalker." Zayn says.

"Shut up, come on. Let's go home." I came with Jade so I let her know that I'm going home with Zayn. We get home and then Zayn sends his driver to get a box of the best tests.

"Do you hope it is positive?" I ask Zayn.

"Well after giving it much thought and then going to you and saying I was ready, Yes I do hope it is positive. This could be a new bond in our relationship." He kisses my temple.

"So you definitly want a girl first?" I ask him.

"I'm honostly not bothered. As long as the child is healthy and happy." He smiles, then his driver shows up with a bag. In the bag in a box. Here we go. After using two of the tests just to make sure, I wait for the answer, which is 3 minutes. I slouch against the wall in the bathroom, with Zayn just on the other side of the door. I check the clock and stand back up to check the stick.

"Ohh..." Is all I manage to get out when I see the sticks.



Pregnant or not?

comment what you think.


Erin xx

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