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Zayn's POV

Waiting outside this bathroom door for Perrie to come out and talk to me is just absolutely killing me. I'm not a patient person. She probably won't tell me at first anyway, even though I have every right to know, but honestly it doesn't bother me, if she wants to wait, she is the one carrying the child after all.

"Perrie?" I call through the door. I can hear crying, Perrie's faint sobs.

"Um, yeah." I hear her clear here throat and sniffle before she answers.

"Are you ok?" I ask with concern, she is crying but there is nothing I can do unless she wants me to because the door is locked.

"Yeah. Everything is fine. Ill tell you later." She says.

"Perrie, I can hear you crying, your not fine." I insist.

"Just... can you call the doctor for me? Please?"

"And set up an appointment?" I ask her. 

"Yeah. Please." I hear another sniffle. I pull out my phone and call the doctor.

"When?" I ask her.

"As soon as possible." She sniffles. I set up and appointment in 10 minutes because that is the next time available and I half lied and said it was an emergency.

"Perrie I'll wait in the car." I let know that walk out of the room. She might just want some time to herself. As I walk down the stairs, I hear the bathroom door unlock and open. Her sniffles are a little louder then she comes down the stairs after me. Her face is tear stained. Instead of walking straight to the car, I stand at the foot of the stairs and wipe her tears. She gives me a faint smile.

"When will you tell me?" I ask her.

She breaths deeply then answers. "When I'm ready." I says.

"I've loved you since we were 18. I want you to know that you can talk to me." I reassure her. She nods and I walk her to the car. After arriving at the doctor's we head straight in and I walk in the hall for Perrie.


Perrie's POV

I don't want to tell Zayn. I don't want him to be angry and disappointed and upset. I can't do that to him, but I need to tell him.

"Hello, Mrs Malik." The doctor smiles at me.

"Hi." I respond.

"So what seems to be the problem?" She asks, sitting at her desk and I sit in the chair next to the desk.

"I just took a pregnancy test, it was negative." I explain.

"Would you like to know for sure?" She asks.

"No, I want to know if I'm fertile or not." I state.

"What makes you want that?" She asks with concern.

"Last year, before Zayn and I got married, I took a pregnancy test because I should have been pregnant. I had all the symptoms but it was negative. And I would like to know before I try again." I explain to her. 

"Does Zayn know about this other pregnancy test?" She asks.

"He didn't want children at that point, but now he does, so no, he doesn't know." I say. She gives me a weird look. I know it is crazy that you wouldn't tell your fiance at the time that you might be pregnant.

"Ok well, this test is done with a blood test not an ultrasound." She explains. So if you wouldn't mind rolling up your sleeves for me. I roll up my sleeves and she wipes one arm with an alcohol wipe. I see the needle and a small container in which my blood will be placed into for testing.

There is a slight prick when the needle is injected. I watch her draw blood then she pulls it out and quickly covers the prick with a cotton ball. I hold it so she can let go. She then pour my blood into the cup and screws on the lid. 

"The results will take 10 minutes if you want to wait." She says.

"Yeah, Ill wait." I say. She smiles then leaves the room. I can see Zayn sitting in the foyer, we make eye contact then I quickly look away, then the door shuts between us. Right now all i want to do is curl up in his arms but i need some will power.


After 10 minutes the doctors comes back in with a printed note. She hands it to me so that I can read it myself. I prepare my self so i'm ready to run if it is bad.

"Dear Mrs Malik,

test results show that you are

infertile." I read out loud. I can't have children.

"I'm so sorry." The doctor says.

"It's fine. I'll schedule an appointment for 2 days time please." I say holding back tears.

"4pm?" She asks.

"Yes please. See you then." I smile. I feel tears welling up and I need to get out of here. Zayn is just on the other side of the door. I get up and walk to the door, I breath deeply then walk out hopefully Zayn doesn't notice me. But he looks up, I just keep walking.


Zayn's POV

Perrie walks out with tears in her eyes. I look at her but she just keeps walking. I lose sight of when she leaves the building. I walk around to the car and she isn't there. I walk back the front of the building looking for her.

"Where do broken hearts go?" I ask myself out loud. I walk around the building and find her behind the bins, sitting on the floor crying into her hands. I see a note in her hands.

"Perrie?" I say. She doesn't look up she just hands me the note.

"Dear Mrs Malik, test results show that you are infertile."  I read. We can't have children, after all this time of not wanting them, i probably ginxed this. I'm probably the reason for this.

"Why did you get this test?" I ask her.

"When we were engaged, I-I was showing all the symptoms of being preg-pregnant." She sobs. "I took a test and it was negative, i went to the doctors and the blood test said that i was pregnant but mis-carried." She explains.


Perrie's POV

"Why am i only just hearing this?" He asks.

"Because the test said negative. I want to be pregnant and have children. You want children. I just ruined that for you. You may as well just leave me here. Go and find another women to love and have your children." I burst into tears. I can't help myself. I let it all out. I don't want him to find anyone else but if he wants kids then I can't provide him that.

"Perrie! I'm not going anywhere. Get that into your thick skull. It doesn't matter. We can adopt or make a baby in a dish and get somebody else to carry it." He almost yells at me. He crouchs down in front of me so he's at my level.

"Who would want to carry a child then have to give it up?" I ask him. No sane person would do that, would they.

"Plenty of people. They get paid to carry children for people who can't do it themselves." He explains. I just sniffle and nod. He sits infront of me, i move my legs and crawl into his lap. He holds me close and I just bury my face in his shirt.



Drama! This was literally written in half an hour so it might be crappy, hope you liked it :)

I got an A+ in textiles today!!!! WHOOO!!!!!!! I'm so happy, it's the only class I gets A's in though, everything else is a B or B+

Enjoy xx

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Erin xx

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