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Perrie's POV

I get home after a days work at the studio and the house is dead quiet. Where the hell is Zayn? He might have gone out with the boys, and i would believe that if there wasn't rose petals along the hall way. That is romantic.

I'm not entirely sure where Zayn is right now. I follow the petals. They lead outside into the garden. He proposed to me in this garden a couple of years ago. It feels like it was just yesterday that we were going to see Avengers at the cinemas.

The garden is lit with fairy lights but there is nothing else. That's when I hear breathing, behind me, in my ear. I turn slowly to see Zayn in a tux holding more flowers. Rainbow roses. Beautiful.

"I promise you that i'm going to be a better husband and an even better dad to our baby." He smiles. I take the roses from him, the smell of them is just so nice.

"I wouldn't ask for anything more." I whisper.

This is the kind of you would expect is a dream or a wild imagination. I'm lucky that this time it is not a figment of my imagination. Zayn is sweet, he really is. Deep down inside I hope that this baby is just like him. Kind and caring. Generous. Loyal. I would have wanted a boy first, I'm not sure why either. Maybe so I could have another little Zayn. But Zayn is probably stoked that its a girl because one of me just isn't enough. Or at least I hope that is what he is thinking about her.

The night runs smoothly. Nice dinner, good movie on the couch then to bed with a ton of hug and kisses. I wake up in the morning to Zayn. His eyes are barely shut but his arms are still clutched around my body. He isn't awake but he keeps moving. He has never done this before that I have noticed. Maybe he is having a bad dream. Maybe he has a lot of worries.

I move my arm out from his embrace and I pick up my phone off the side table. I notice that when I open twitter there is a lot of notifications about a story posted yesterday. I look at the story and it is about how Zayn came to see me at the studio yesterday. It has a picture of him walking out after he'd seen me. Not really very interesting, i already knew it happen cause i was there.

Yesterday, the Black Magic radio tour was released. The radio tour should be good we are just singing Black magic in a couple of places but Acoustic though and outside. We start in a couple of days. Zayn is coming with us because he doesn't even want to leave me for a week. He says that because I'm pregnant, I shouldn't be alone because something bad could happen. I told him that I wasn't to be alone, Jesy, Jade and Leigh would be there as well but then he said that they aren't the father so it doesn't count. He also said that he had nothing better to do.

So he talked his way into coming, which doesn't bother me of course. I love his company. Also when we get back it will be Jesy's birthday so all the girls are sleeping over at my house. Zayn shall be on the couch. Zayn and I's bed is like two Queen beds pushed together. Massive with a canopy that has curtains which can be shut. Usually be sleep to one side. Tonight is on the right side. In all honesty I don't even know why we have a bed this big. Just for the look I guess or to fit the room.

It is a big room, we even have double doors to get into the bedroom. It's basically a perfect house. The only thing it could do with out is the paparazzi that forever surround the perimeter. Sometimes I can't even let the dogs out of the house to run around in the back yard because of the paparazzi. The dogs would go mad with non stop barking.


What I want when baby is born is for total attachment. I would like to be able to look into our little girls eyes and instantly feel a connection. To feel like she is my whole world. Of course that would be hard considering that I am in such a big girl group. I don't want to have to give either up so I will be juggling until people just decide that Little Mix isn't cool anymore.

This is what I would like to happen.


A cry filled the room and the excruciating pain I was just feeling, subsided instantly. Our little girl, Peyton Lily Malik, is now alive and healthy. The midwife puts her into my arms and all I can think is how beautiful she is.

"She looks just like you." Zayn says beside me. He has tears in his eyes and he is leaning across to see his daughter. She has blue eyes and but a little tuft of black hair on her head. I use my pointer finger to stroke her little arm. It soothes her and she stops crying. Soon, I'm the one crying. I can't help but feel so blessed to have her hear. She came at the time where it seemed to have been saving my marriage but now I don't mind the timing. She is here. She is alive and she is healthy. That is all that matters.

I hand Peyton to Zayn so that he can hold her. When I do that the nurse comes over with a damp cloth to wipe my sweaty forehead. Babies are hard work to push out. I guess, I already knew that though with all the stories that people tell me. She is a dream.


Thats would I would like to happen. I nice easy birth then instant connection but i will not know for certain until our little girl joins this would. She will be treasured. By me and by Zayn, and I'm sure by every one else.



Hey, Sorry its been a while but i'm finally updating after 2 months. I have another account now called flawlessxdreamer it was set up to write original books not fan fiction.

Erin xx

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