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Zayn's POV

When I wake up, I feel like I remember a bit more of the relationship but i don't know if my brain just made it up. That is also another frustrating part. When your brain makes up stuff to fill in the blanks. I can only tell if they are real if I ask Perrie.

The 'memory' was so realistic like it did happen but I'm just not sure. It was some sort of premiere, i can't remember what the sign said but i had Perrie there with me. She had the engagement ring on and she was in a black and skin coloured dress. Her hair was in a high pony tail, it was like a bleach blonde colour with brown streaks. She looked so pretty. I remember that there was people every, screaming and chanting. I remember getting photos. We were on a red carpet getting interviews and every had One Direction written on it.

Wait.... That did happen. I remember it. I truly remember it. That was the 'This is Us' premiere and Little Mix came, that is why Perrie was there. We really was pretty that day. This will be hard if I only remember bits and pieces. I just missed a whole chunk. That was in 2013 and yesterday I remember nothing past 2012. 

It's only after I get my medicine, that I'm told I haven't seen Perrie in a week. I also learned that she was discharged. When she came in I was knocked out and she had promised to come back soon. She hasn't been back yet. That was 2 days ago. Maybe thats why i remember stuff. I was in a coma... again. Maybe she had told me that stuff. People always say that during a coma the person can still hear you. 

By the time the evening meal is served, Perrie shows up. She brought my phone and laptop so that i could entertain myself. She also explained how tomorrow night she has a party to attend. The Back Magic number 1 party. I would still be in hospital for that I don't get discharged till next week.. if everything goes to plan. I hope it does. I want to go home.

She pulls out a McDonald's bag and hands it to me. "I know how disgusting the hospital food is, so I thought you might like something a bit more edible." I smile and kiss her cheek. She smiles and holds her stomach as she moves to get comfortable on my hospital bed with me. 

"I have news from the doctor." She announces. My doctor or her doctor? Or the babies doctor?

"And it is?" I ask.

"You are due to make a full recovery and gain all your memory back." She says. That great but I was hoping to hear something about the baby cause she was holding her stomach and stuff.

"Any news on the baby?" I ask.

"Still all the same. Healthy. A girl. And due to be born with no diseases or side effects." She explains. When she says it she sounds like she is reciting it for the 100th time.

"Your still happy with her name?" I ask her.

"Yes. Are you?" 

"Of course i am. I want something the same, since i don't remember anything."

"So you don't remember what I told you the other day?" She asks, hopefully.

"Was it the This Is Us Premiere?" I ask her.

"Yes, you do remember!" 

"No i just read about it." I tease.

"Oh." Her face drops and then i laugh. "What?"

"I was kidding. I remember. I thought you might have told me cause that skipped almost a year of what i remember to that." I explain. "You were really pretty at that premiere." I state.

"And I'm not now?" She asks, laughing.

"Nope. So ugly." I joke. She slaps me across the arm and then tells me to eat my food. 

"Ill be back in the morning with Louis. He wants to see you." She explains. I haven't seen Louis in a while. He and Eleanor had broken up, and as far as I can recall (because i don't recall it), I don't know if I had actually seen him after wards.

"So ill see you then?" I ask her. It doesn't feel like we are talking like a married couple expecting a baby, more like we are just good friends. I don't want it to be like that, I just don't remember loving her so i can't look at her the same as what i might have. 

I wonder what is happening outside. The TV doesn't work. Well, it only shows the weather channel but i don't play that cause it taunts me because i can't go outside. I can't go home. I don't want to be here. It then hits me that home is probably not what I'm thinking of because if I'm married to Perrie then most likely we have a house together. 


It comes to the time where they are discharging me. I remember some things but not all. I remember what happened the night I was beaten, I remember proposing to Perrie. I remember the house. But i don't remember One Direction's final stags with me. I don't remember Little Mix at all after they were on X Factor. Im excited to go home. Spend all my time with Perrie. I remember the love that i have for her. 

She will be here soon to get me because the doctor said that i still can't drive because the brain is unpredictable and he can't tell if i will have a freak out behind the steering wheel or if my brain will go into sleep mode on its own. So i sit in my hospital bed waiting for Perrie to show up. Waiting to go home.



Hair was out this morning. It is so good. I'm in love. Anyway, so this weekend I have a stimulation Doll for My Child Care Cert and it screams like a real baby and it wakes you up in the middle of the night. Her name is Emily. So far she has been fine, like I've been up during the night for her but its not like a real baby where you are awake for an hour trying to put it back to sleep. She just bottle feeds for 20 minutes then sleeps again. My kind of baby. 

I hope you enjoyed. Once again, i know it has been awhile but I'm in that awkward part of the school year where there is assignments and exam block. 3 weeks left of school!!!!!!!! 

Erin xx

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