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The photo is me braiding Elena's hair. This whole book is basically dedicated to her. Everyday at school she begs me to update so...

Adam's POV

Since I'm a doctor it is really easy for me to change Perrie's medical records. The stupid dumb bitch of a doctor how did the test yesterday, then told her that the results were wrong. Bitch. Perrie is currently pregnant with Zayn's child. Shit. I have to wait till they get back before I do anything though, because Zayn won't leave her side. Seriously, why is he trying to Steal My Girl.


Zayn's POV

*Arrived in the Maldives*

It is beautiful here. It is 11am when we got here and now it is currently 1pm. Perrie and I have just gotten our room, which is private and out on the water. When I walk out the front door and look down, i can see the crystal clear water through the deck. None of this is an illusion, we really are in this beautiful place. We got a boat from the main island to our rooms that are on a smaller island.

I stand on the edge of the dock in my boardshorts. My toes curled over the edge of the wood, looking down at the water. I hear someone running up behid me. Before I have time to move away from the edge. I see Perrie's blonde hair, then I go topoling into the warm, blue water. When I re-surface, I see Perrie standing on the dock, in her bikini, laughing really hard.

"Incoming!" She shouts before, jumping off the dock. I duck under the water to avoid the splash that comes when she hits the water.

"We should go fishing today." I suggest to her when she resurfaces.

"You'll be fishing and ill be eating chips." She laughs. "Then maybe after you tireless efforts of catching no fish, we can go and get fish ad chips for dinner." She smiles.

"Sounds like a plan, but let's enjoy this water." I go back under the water pull her down with me. She screams, i can hear it muffled in the water as she struggles in my arm. We surface again and she hold onto me tight and around the neck to keep herself up.

"Geez, I really don't Act My Age." She laughs.

"Neither of us do." I laugh with her.

-------- ---------- -------- ---------

Perrie's POV

So, we ended up fishing, catching nothing, just as I had said. But instead of getting fish and chips, Zayn took me out to a nice resturant on the main land. We ended up meeting another really nice couple there. You need to be rich to be able to aford to stay in a place like this. This couple looked loaded. The women was walking around in a white women's suit.

The man carries around a brief case, wearing a designer suit. They seem a bit awkward together, maybe because they are in good quality suits that they don't want to ruin.

"So your here on a personal holiday?" She asks.

"Um. Yeah. We just needed some time away from reality." I explain. we are sitting at a bar table out on the back deck as Zayn and her husband play pool with a couple of other guys.

"Your from Little Mix right? You miscarried?" She asks.

"Oh, you've heard of us?" I ask. "No, it was a false alarm, I am pregnant, but we had already booked all of it." I explain. She seemed a bit taken back by the fact that I didn't think she had heard of me.

"Oh congrats. No I heard of you cause my daughter is a huge fan of you and Zayn's bands. She follows you on twitter and Instagram and all those. She told me you had miscarried." She has a daughter?

"You have a daughter?" I ask in surprise.

"Yeah, she is 15. She should be around her somewhere. because she is an only child we brought her bet friend with us. they should be in the shop." she explains before taking a sip of the drink she is holding.

"Oh, do you think I could meet her?" I ask. I don't usually request to meet fans but she seems pretty dedicated. "Maybe tomorrow Zayn and I could come down to the beach. She could meet us there?" I suggest.

"It sounds good. I'll talk to her tonight. she will be so excited." She smiles. Just as we both take another drink, the boys come walking back in.

"Ready to go?" Zayn asks. I nod and stand. I place my hand in his.

"See you tomorrow." I wave and we both walk off.

"What's happening tomorrow? He asks.

"We are meeting their daughter. She is 15 and a massive fan our both Little Mix and One Direction." I explain to him as we reach the boat that will take us back across to our little resort. He leans back against one if the railings as the boat takes off. I lean my back to him from and he wraps his arm around me placing his hands in the bump that isn't there yet, the baby. Our baby.

"I want you to know something." He says.

"And what is that?" I ask.

"When I'm fat and old and our kids think I'm a joke, cause I move a little when I dance. I can count on your after all that we've been through, cause I know you'll truly understand." He says.

"Well thank you." I smile without looking a him, I look toward the moon glistening the sky.

"Just to let you know, I won't act my age but I still feel the same around you, when we're older."

"Repeating vows are you?" I ask laughing.

"Yeh I guess." He laughs.



Did you like the update. I ran out of ideas so I wrote parts from act my age. you'll be surprised what you can do with song lyrics. Anyway....

Erin xx

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