More Trouble

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Hee, y'all. Whazzup? Here is the second part of my story. Hope you like it! Ps; Don't own Percy Jackson & the Olympians.

Behind Percy, surrounded by satyrs, stood mr D. He was dressed in a purple leopard shirt and shorts. He smirked. "Hello Mr Jack" he said, smiling. Percy didn't try to correct him; he always pretended like he didn't know his name. Instead he stared at the god, suprised. And not in the nice way. "Mr D! What are you doing here"?Well Peter Pan,do you really think I wouldn't notice someone breaking the rules? Walking around past bedtime, doing.. Well whatever you were doing". He sighed. "You stupid demigods keep forgeting I'm a god,don't you? And being a god, you know immortal and all-powerfull, do you really think I wouldn't notice? I know everything"!

Percy knew it wasn't smart to react and risk making him angry, but he could'nt stop himself. " I wasn't doing anything! And If you know everything, then try answering some questions! Like, who invented the telephone( Percy's stepfather, who loved sprouting historical facts, had told him this). Or why I even was here, which I had really good reasons for. If you know everything, you know I was just trying to get to Chiron for something important instead of having a conversation with you" Percy shouted.

Mr D froze. His eyes turned a pissed-off purple. The plants around him went crazy. The satyrs already fled, being familair with Mr D's powers. Which he was likely to use on the poor Percy. Mr D pointed his finger at Percy, his image flickering. "WHAT? HOW DARE YOU? i'M A GOD. YOU LITTLE DEMIGODS CAN;T JUST INSULT ME. YOU ARE THE SELFISH, STUPID, HEARTLESS CREATURES. NOW YOU'RE SO DEAD" he shouted.

Percy backed up a little. Would he turn me into a grape and squash me to make wine? Or would he show his true form and disintegrate me? Percy thought. Either way, pissing off a god isn't really smart. Even for Percy, who had done some stupid things in his life.

Mr D smirked, clearly liking this situation. He calmed down a little, speaking in a soft voice. " Well, Jack Peterson are you going to beg for mercy? If you do, maybe I won't turn you into a grape and squash you by sitting on you. Well, probably I won't".

Percy didn't hesitate; maybe it was foolish, but he didn't want to give Mr D the satisfaction of hearing him beg for mercy. His pride won't let him do that. He would die, but at least he wouldn't die a coward. He straightened his back. "Eh no. Thanks for that oppurtunity he said sarcasticially. "But Iwould rather have at least my pride left, thankyou". Mr D smiled, pleased. "Well, I gave you the oppurtunity. Don't beg Hades for another chance when you see him". Mr D rubbed his hands. " Finally, something good is happening on this rotten day. Destroying you will definetely be satisfying.

Now.." He raised his hand again, a smirk on his face. Percy wanted to close his eyes, but didn't. Instead, he locked eyes with mr D, showing a little disrespect. "Mr D! Wait! Mr D turned around, startled. "Can I not even destroy ungrateful bastard with being interrupted? What has come of the world if a god can't even do that" he shouted, extremely angry. Behind him, with a grim look on his face, stood Chiron.

" Chiron, what are you doing here"? Percy dared to ask. Mr D shot him his pissed-of-I'm going to kill you- stare. "It doesn't matter why he is here, nothing can save you now". "Actually, it does matter" Chiron said. "I got an Iris-message from Olympus. Your father wants to speak you. It's urgent. He wants you to come immediately". Mr D grumbled.

"Fine, what on earth does he want? I'm stuck here on this stupid camp and now something good is finally happening, he needs to speak me" Mr D turned to Percy. " Don't think you get of that easy, Jack. I will destroy you, as soon as I'm back". He shot one last angry stare at Percy, then he disappeared.

Percy sighed. His problems weren't over, though. He still had to talk to Chiron, that would definetely be hard. And Mr D meant what he said. Insulting gods wasn;t really smart. And the punishment was definetely not worth it. But he would deal with this later. Now, he needed to talk to Chiron. He need to explain him why he was here. He wanted to know what was going on. He focused on the centaur before him.

"Thanks Chiron. You just saved me, I owe you" Chiron sighed. "I suppose I did. But Percy, what were you doing here? And what did you say to make Mr D so mad. You shouldn't do that he is a god, after all". "I know, but I was just irritated and he was teasing me again. And well, I kind of lost it". "Hmm. Still, you should be careful. This is definetely going to be a problem later. Mr D isn't going to let you get away with this. What did you exactly say, if I may ask". "Nothing too bad" Percy said, sounding defensive. " He just said he knew everything, which he doesn't and I said if he knew everything, he should know why I was here and well.. who invented the telephone. Then he went all god-of-wine on me".

"Hmm, well gods don't like to be insulted. And they get insulted easily. Is that really all you said"? "Well, I might have implied I thought I was wasting time by talking to him" Percy said. Chiron shook his head. "I already thought something like that. Percy, you really have to be more careful around the gods". "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry". Percy looked at the ground, then he looked up.

"So.. What now? I suppose he isn;t just going to ' let it go' isn't he? " Chiron sighed. "No, I'm afraid not. But don't worry, I will think of something. You still haven't told me why you were here and got into this mess". "I wanted to talk to you, about a dream I had. But I got interrupted by Juniper and a harpy. And after we killed the harpy, Mr D suddenly came out of nowhere". " Aha" Chiron started walking and motioned Percy to follow him.

"So this dream, where was it about? I figure it would be really important since you risked getting eaten". "Yeah, It was. I quess. It was this really strange dream. Scared the hell out of me". Chiron nodded; he knew what Percy meant. He still 'wore' the grim expression. "So, what happened in this dream"? Percy looked away for a moment before speaking. "I was in this cave or something. It was really dark and I was all alone. Then I looked around and I- I" Percy tried, but he seemed to be unable to say it.

"Percy? What did you see"? Chiron said, worried. Percy looked really pale and scared. That didn't happen a lot. "They lay on the ground. All my friends,dead. And.. And, there was this dark shadow-creature. It was coming towards me. I tried to do something, but I couldn't move. It come closer and closer, but I still couldn't see what it was. It was about to kill me when I woke up". Percy looked even paler now, like he really saw it all happen before his eyes. Chiron cursed in Ancient Greek, mumbling. "This is not good. It can't be a coincidence. Not when it's all happening at the same time". "Chiron"? Chiron continued mumbling for some time, before focusing on Percy.

"Yes? What is it"?" Does my dream has anything to do with the reason Zeus wanted to speak Mr D"? You heard the lightning at the moment Percy said Zeus; it was already dangerous to say a god's name. Chiron looked at the clouds, nervous. "Shush Percy! Don't just say his name, allright. And yes, it might have something to do with it. I don't know yet". Percy looked really worried now. "Then, what is going on? What is wrong? Are we in danger"? Chiron shook his head. "I don't know exactly. Just that there have been some problems". "What for problems? Should we prepare for an attack"? Chiron stopped. They were in front of his cabin. He put the key in the door. "Listen Percy, we will go inside and I will tell you as much as possible, ok? We will figure something out, I promise. First I'm going to get something to drink. Want a cup of tea"? Suddenly, they heard a voice. It was clearly a woman. "Really? Percy Jackson, the hero of Olympus, is drinking tea? Wouldn't ruin that your reputation, Percy?

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