Breaking In

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I don't own Percy jackson.

Aphrodite's house, or castle actually, was pink. Really pink. It looked like a castle from a fairytale. It had two towers and just had this Walt Disney appearence. Everything was pink, the towers, the walls, everything.

"Wow, that makes my eyes hurt". Artemis laughed. "Wait until you're inside, there it's even worse" Percy look at her, suprised. "You have been inside her house"? Artemis shrugged. "A few times. She kept begging me to come by. Eventually, I had enough of it and gave in".

Percy laughed. "Oh, really? And where did you talk about"? Artemis blushed. "I don't want to say". Percy tickled here. She tried to escape him, but he grabbed her and kept tickling. "Tell! Or I will tickle you to death"! he laughed.

Artemis laughed like crazy, tears rolling down her face. "No! Percy St-o-op. Please" She said. Appearently she didn't think about her godly powers, she just tried to break free. But Percy hold her in a death grip and kept tickling her. Her face became all red; she couldn't stop laughing. "Sto-o-p. Ok, I will tell. But stop please" she begged. Percy led go of her. Her face was all red and her hair messed up, again. "You can't attend the love goddess looking like this. She won't let you in" he teased.

Artemis raised one eyebrow at him. One moment, Percy was enjoying her appearence, the next he saw a blur. Artermis tackled him, bringing both of them to ground. She put his hands above him, so he couldn't do anything. She leaned forward. "What now , Percy"?

Percy smiled. "You know I could just roll over , don't you"? "Try it" Artemis said. He rolled over. They were wrestling, both trying to get on top. Artemis managed to get him on his back and trapped him between her thighs. She laughed. "So, now I've got you". "Yes, you do. But what are you going to do now"?

Artemis dug her nails in his wrists. "Making you feel sorry. Beg me for forgiveness, Percy". "Yeah , like that's going to happen". Artemis just smiled devilish at him. She started tickling him. Soon, he was beggin for forgiveness. Now he was the one screaming and struggling, desperate to escape. Only when he started to laugh so hard, he actually was crying, she let him go.

He lay on his back, struggling to breathe. Artemis looked down at him. "Having a problem, Mr. Jackson"? she asked. Percy saw she had to stop herself from laughing. "Oh, you think this is funny, right"? He smiled. Artemis couldn't hold it anymore; she burst out laughing. She was laughing really hard. After a long time, she finally stopped.

"Done"? Percy asked. She nodded, wiping off her tears. She placed her head on his shoulder. She sat at his lap, looking really comfortable. Percy looked at her; she had her eyes closed. She put her arms around him and sighed happily.

Percy cleared his throat. "Ehm, Artemis"? She looked up. For a moment, all he could think about was kiss her. He almost did, but at the last moment, he resisted that urge. He took deep, slow breaths. He felt Artemis tense; she had finally realized she was sitting on his lap. He opened his eyes, seeing a mixture of confusion and desire in her eyes. Before he could do anything stupid, like kissing her again, she jumped off his lap and got up. She took a deep breath, too.

He got up. They looked at each other, tension in the air. Then they started laughing. First, softly, but soon they were both rolling over the floor. When they were finally finished laughing, Artemis spoke. "Why were you laughing"? Percy chuckled. "I don't know, why were you laughing". "I don't know" . They looked at each other and burst out laughing. "why are we laughing, it's not even fun" Artemis said between fits of laughter. "i don't know" Percy said.

After a few minutes, they managed to stop. They sat there for a moment, trying to catch their breath. When they could speak again, Percy turned to Artemis. "So where were you talking about with Aphrodite"? he asked, curious.

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