You're All I Need (Sixx/Lee)

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You're All I Need

May 2018

**Poem by Shafali Patell,**

Nikki hit the call button on the second contact in his favourites and waited for the call to connect. It was getting late and, even though he was working, he usually hated making calls to Storm later than 10 pm.

"Hey, Daddy," Storm's voice carried over the phone line and Nikki smiled at the warmth and brightness she brought with it.

"Hey, pumpkin. Sorry for calling you so late," he said.

"That's okay. I was still going over the last of my work that has to be submitted before graduation," she replied. "How's Dad?"

"He's good. He's over visiting Grandma," Nikki said. Voula was still living in the family home but had 24-hour constant care. She was getting frailer and her mind was starting to wander but she steadfastly refused to leave the house that Tommy and Athena were born into and where she lost the love of her life, David.

"How is she? I worry about her being there alone," Storm said.

Nikki chuckled. "She's fine... now that she's got a new male nurse on the roster."

Storm gasped before her tinkly laugh reached Nikki's ears. "I can't wait to see you both next week, Daddy. Have you got your suite booked?"

"Yeah, Bellagio, as usual. Are you staying with us, Stormy? There's room," Nikki asked.

"Umm...we'll see. I-I might have a date? Would that freak you and Dad out?"

"Why would it freak us out? You're your own woman now, pumpkin," Nikki said, even though a little piece tore from his heart. This was the first time Storm had mentioned seeing anyone. She'd been so focused on her schoolwork to the exclusion of all else, apart from a few close girlfriends from Grade school. "I...I was hoping you'd be there, though. I thought we could go out for dinner after your graduation then maybe do some sightseeing the next day."

There was a small silence before Storm asked, "What's going on, Daddy? I've been here for years and we've done so much sightseeing that I think you know Las Vegas better than I do. Spill it, daddio."

Nikki grinned, knowing he could never pull anything over their daughter's eyes and he mentally face-palmed himself for even thinking he could. "How'd you get so smart?" he said and heard Storm give off a soft snort.

"Well...Tom-Tom's been proposing to me for years, decades even..." Nikki broke off as a high squeal reached his ears making him grin and something settled deep in his chest. "So...I thought I'd surprise him and get married at one of the little chapels on the Sunday after graduation."

"Oh, Daddy! That's perfect!" Storm exclaimed. "And it's about fucking time, too, I might add. I know Dad laughs it off but I'm sure he gets a little sad about it, on occasions. Why have you put it off for so long? Lia's dads got married ages ago...twice!"

Where to start, kiddo? Nikki thought as he slunk lower into the sofa in his office. He ran his hands over the leather, conjuring up so many memories that this old battered sofa held.

"Ah, pumpkin...your dad and I have always just...I dunno...clicked. The first time...we were both so young; we didn't know what the future held at that stage. Then we...I...felt we never needed the piece of paper to tell us what was in our hearts anyway. It just was, you know? Plus until last year it wouldn't have had any legal status. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah, Daddy, it does," Storm said, softly. "You two are my yardstick for a healthy relationship in the future. You might yell and scream at each other when you've both got your mads on, but you always manage to laugh it off in the end. Anyone can see how much you love each other."

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