Tell Me Why (Sixx/Lee)

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Author's Notes

Hello and welcome to another weekend.

This week we see what happens after Storm's party. Tissues may be necessary! You've been forewarned.
For those that are looking for a little Terrorcest smut...I'm saving that for a future story arc😉😈🥵

Hope you're all well and taking care of yourselves, emotionally as well as physically. Sending peace, love and light your way.


Sunday - Party Aftermath

Tommy POV


It was mid-afternoon and they'd just bid goodbye to Jon, Richie and Lia to catch their flight back East.

Nikki's bad mood had been bubbling along ever since last night when he'd told the older man what he'd found after he went down to check on the girls. All four of them had woken with hangovers of varying degrees and, while he'd pottered around cooking breakfast for the sorry group of teenagers, Nikki had sat them all down and read them the riot act about underage drinking and brain development.

Considering their history, Tommy had had to disguise the odd snort of amusement at Nikki's righteousness at the minor substance abuse with a forced sneeze or by diving into the pantry to retrieve some much-needed ingredient, only to be met by Nikki's steely glare and a growled, "Not. Helping. Thomas."

Nikki had concluded his speech by garnering the girls' consent to admitting their misdemeanour to their parents before they left the house, whilst acknowledging their own failings in not safely storing the alcohol. He also made them dismantle the guest suite ready for the hire company to collect their belongings. Tommy had to stop him from sending them out to clean the backyard too when Riley had to race off to the bathroom to vomit, taking pity on their tender heads and stomachs.

While Harper's and Riley's parents were understandably upset that their daughters had been drinking, Nikki and Tommy had managed to talk them down from the edge with their explanation of the lecture given this morning and the punishment meted out.

"C'mon, babe," Tommy said, rubbing Nikki's back. "Don't let the girls' experimentation ruin a good weekend. You and I did so much worse at their age."

"You never did," Nikki sighed, turning from the driveway and walking back inside the house. "I was ruined a lot earlier than you. Where'd Storm go?"

"I dunno, babe," Tommy shrugged as he closed the door behind him. "She was here a moment ago. Why?"

"I- I want to make sure she's okay," he said as he checked the living room. "It's probably a good time to have that talk too, I think."

"Good point," he agreed and joined Nikki in the search for their daughter.

Tommy looked into Storm's bedroom, whilst Nikki checked the guest room but found nothing but the detritus of a teenage girl's life. He made a mental note to get her to tidy up one day this week. Even though they had a cleaner that came in once a week, it didn't mean that Storm should expect the poor woman to clean up her mess when she was perfectly capable of doing it.

Tommy had a hunch, suddenly, as to where she could be. "Hey, Nik?!" he called over the bannister and waited for the dark hair to appear below him. "Up here, babe," he said when Nikki's face appeared.

Nikki nodded and jogged up the steps, two at a time. "Is she okay?" he asked.

"I haven't seen her yet but the only other place she would go is her safe place," Tommy said with a throw of his chin toward their bedroom.

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