Sweet Sixxteen (Sixx/Lee)

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Author's Notes

Ahhhh...welcome back, everyone! Doesn't it feel like home being back here?!

Kick off your shoes, make yourselves at home and grab yourselves some refreshments...IT'S PARTY TIME!

For first time readers...firstly, welcome, happy to have you visit my little world! Secondly, these chapters are drop-ins into the original four books of the Saturday Nights Gave Me Sunday Morning series and will probably make more sense once you've visited those.

As usual, the boys have had a LOT to say, since I've been away for so long, so this one is a multi-chapter install.

Love you all...see you at the end ❤️❤️


Early February 2012

Nikki POV

Nikki walked in from the garage, his hands full of shopping bags. "Babe?! I'm home," he called out, having seen Tommy's car when he pulled in. He dumped the bags onto the kitchen counter as Tommy walked in from outside. Nikki smiled when Tommy slipped his arms around his waist and kissed his neck.

"I missed you," Tommy purred, sending shivers up and down Nikki's spine, even though one of Tommy's hands was already opening bags.

"The chocolate is in that bag," he chuckled, pointing to the furthest away. Like the kid he was, Tommy whooped for joy and lunged for the bag, leaving Nikki tottering on his feet from the whirlwind. "Anyone would think you were on your period too," he commented as Tommy tore open the wrapper on a Butterfingers.

"Well, come to think of it...I have skipped a couple of cycles," Tommy said, talking around the sweet treat. "Will you still love me if I'm pregnant, Nik?"

Nikki blinked at Tommy before snorting in amusement. "You're such a fuckin' goofball. Of course, I'll still love you," he said, taking a bite of the candy that Tommy offered to him, "when your feet swell up and you put on, like, a hundred pounds and lose your fuckin' boyish figure and all that shit."

"Aww, thanks, baby," Tommy grinned back at him, chocolate staining his teeth.

Nikki laughed at the younger man's antics and went back to unpacking. "Where's Stormy Skies?"

"She went out to the movies with Taj," Tommy replied. "I read him the riot act and told them to be home no later than ten."

"At least we know they'll behave themselves if Storm's on the rag," Nikki said. "One step outta line and she'll tear Taj limb from limb."

Taj was relatively new to the boyfriend scene, a local kid that went to Storm's high school. Storm and Taj had been friends for almost a year when the young boy nervously asked Tommy and Nikki if he could take Storm out to the movies.

"Dude," Tommy chuckled. "Ask her yourself. We know we trust her and we also know that she'll hand you your balls on a platter if you try anything she doesn't want to be a part of."

The poor kid had blanched as white as a sheet. Nikki had laughed and draped his arm across the boy's shoulders. "Movies only. I want session times and one of us will be there to collect you both and see you home," he'd added. "Understand, Taj?"

"Y-yes Sirs," he stammered.

Nikki wasn't too bothered about Taj. Storm had already confided that she was growing bored with him but wanted to let him down nicely. Also, when they'd sat her down to have the birds and the bees talk with her before their first date, armed with a box of condoms and a couple of shots of whiskey each, she'd just laughed, that delightfully tinkly laugh, before reaching into her dresser drawer and proudly displaying a similar box.

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