I Got The Girl (Bongiovi/Sambora)

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**Jordan's POV**

**Thanksgiving 2011**

Rosie's Bar was jam-packed and pumping. The Thanksgiving party had become an annual event since the inaugural one thrown by Sebastian's dads, Richie and Jon. And the guest numbers seem to flourish each year with family, friends and staff with their families.

The line between those three was blurred for Jordan. He was Sebastian's best friend; oldest friend so that kinda made him family too by their reckoning, but he also helped out at Rosie's when they were stuck for staff. He and Sebastian had both put in hours in their school holidays as they grew up, bussing tables and helping in the kitchen until they were old enough to be handling the liquor behind the bar.

That was the job he enjoyed the most as the bar on the weekends proved a good place to scout for girls. The storeroom out back proved handy on more than one occasion. He and Seb chose the nights that Richie and Jon weren't on-site, for their nights of illicit hook-ups in the storeroom.

Tonight was a little different. Tonight was family, in the broader sense of the word. So he decided to stay behind the bar for most of the time Richie and his band, and whoever decided to join in, played. Seb was up there with his dads, trading guitar licks with Richie and singing back up. Richie and his band had taken both boys under their wings and taught them everything they knew. Jordan had been invited up with them by Richie but had offered to keep the bar tended instead.

He was currently watching the band and idly scanning the crowd when a group of girls caught his eye. They seemed to be around sixteen or so, giggling and hugging as though they hadn't seen each other for a while. Understandable considering, not all staff brought their spouses and children to the Thanksgiving bash each year

But it was particularly one girl; a shapely figure of medium height with wild blonde curls hanging down between her shoulders stopping just shy of her curvaceous bottom that was encased in a pair of soft blue jeans. Jordan licked his lips in appreciation and felt his cock twitch with interest within the confines of his pants.

Jordan was distracted momentarily while serving someone but his eyes kept flicking back to the blonde. He was praying to all deities he could think of to get her to turn around so he could work his charm on her.

"Hey, butthole," his sister, Rosie, called as she approached the bar.

"What do you want, brat?" he asked with a smile. He loved his little sister even though she was the biggest pain in the butt ever.

"I would like," she said, putting on a posh accent, "a glass of wine, please."

"Phht, in your dreams, kid!" he scoffed. "You're too young and besides Mom and Dad would kill you...then come looking for me. No...not happening."

"Aww come on, Jordi," Rosie pleaded. "Mom's down in the geriatric mosh pit and Dad...well, I don't know where Dad is."

"Exactly...you don't know where Dad is. He could be watching you right this very minute, ready to bust both our asses as soon as we step outta line!"

"I thoroughly despise you some days, brother," she pouted. "Can I please have a coke then?" she asked with a sigh and a roll of her eyes.

"Yes, sister dearest, you may," he replied with a straight face before turning toward the stack of glasses. His eyes flicked over toward where the blonde had been standing as he turned back to Rosie, only to find the group of girls gone.

Jordan placed the drink in front of Rosie with a distracted smile. "Get outta my face, brat," he grumbled.

"Touchy, touchy," Rosie grinned. She collected her drink and blew her brother a kiss before melting into the crowd.

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