They Say It's Your Birthday (Sixx/Lee)

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**Tommy's Eighteenth Birthday**

**Mid September**

Nikki was in the kitchen preparing a salad to go with their steaks that Tommy was barbequing outside. It had been a hot day and they had spent much of it in or around the pool on one of their rare days off together.

He'd just finished cutting some squares of feta cheese when the phone rang. Popping a cube of cheese into his mouth, he wiped his hands and reached for the phone.



"No, it's Nikki."

"Nikki! It's Voula. You're just the person I want to speak to. Is Tommy nearby?" she asked.

"No, Voula," Nikki replied. "He's outside. What can I do you for?"

"I just want to make sure you keep Tommy's birthday free next month."

"Okay," Nikki said, hesitantly. "Why so early? It's not for about a month, isn't it?"

"He was so disappointed and sad you weren't there last year," Voula said. "And this one is such a milestone that I wanted to make sure that you wouldn't have any business trips to take you away this year."


"Yes, dear," she replied with a little exasperation in her voice. "It's his eighteenth birthday. All the family will be here. It will be a big Greek party." She sounded so joyous about having the family around.

"Er..eighteenth? be eighteen," Nikki stuttered.

"Yes. Are you okay, Nikki?" Voula asked.

"Umm...yeah, sorry...I got distracted," Nikki covered his tracks as his mind swirled. "I'll make sure I'm free. I wouldn't miss this one for the world. Listen, Voula, I gotta go. I'll talk to you soon, okay? Bye."

Nikki couldn't hang up the phone quick enough. He braced his hands on the edge of the counter and dropped his head between his shoulders.

If...if Tommy's only just turning eighteen then that... Nikki thought to himself. If I missed last year's birthday...then...oh fuck!

He straightened up, scrubbing his hands over his face and looked out to where his boyfriend was cooking. His sexy, sweet, lovable, puppy-like, lying, son-of-a-bitch, underage boyfriend!


Nikki's mind was cast back to their first date as they walked the streets hand in hand beneath the starry skies.

"You don't understand, Nikki," Tommy replied and started walking again. "Dad has probably got the concierge to keep an eye on me or some fucked up thing like that."

Nikki stopped again, tugging on Tommy's hand. "You're telling me he's spying on you? Just how old are you anyways?"

"Spying is a little harsh maybe," Tommy shrugged, turning back to face Nikki, "but yeah. He wouldn't care so much if it was back home."

Then...the night in that Manhattan hotel room. As Nikki had Tommy all worked up and needy spread-eagled in the window, naked to the world below. The night they first spent alone. The night that Nikki defiled Tommy in oh-so-many delicious ways.

"I want Manhattan to see you take me; to make me a man and not your little boy anymore."

The words little boy bounced and echoed through his skull. He was feeling a little ill at the thought of what he'd done to and with Tommy and done many times over since then with immense pleasure.

But there was also something else...a little bit of pridefulness; ego, if you will, associated with those same thoughts. Tommy had willingly given Nikki his virginity, in more ways than one. That was something not to be taken lightly.

As though sensing something, Tommy turned from the barbeque and saw Nikki watching him through the window and waved.

"They're almost done, babe," he yelled.

Nikki smiled and nodded back. He quickly threw the feta into the salad and picked up the bowl, determined to find out the reason why Tommy felt as though he had to lie for all this time. It, the age issue, wasn't going to sway Nikki's feelings for Tommy at all. Once he'd come back from New Jersey, he was fully his young lover.

Nikki stepped out onto the flagstones, kicking the sliding door shut behind him. "They're not burnt, are they?"

"You doubt my cooking skills?" Tommy looked shocked. "I'm offended, babe. Who was on the phone?"

Nikki grinned wryly at Tommy's sudden unconscious change of topic. Some days it was like trying to corral cats with the way Tommy's brain fired off. Challenging but fun. Thinking about that, it wasn't so surprising that Nikki had never been able to pin Tommy down whenever age was mentioned.

"Your mom," Nikki answered Tommy's second question as he placed the bowl on the table that he'd set earlier.

"Oh?! Do I need to call her back?"

Nikki shook his head and moved to Tommy's side, sliding his arm around his waist. "Nope. She wanted to talk to me, for a change...about your birthday."

"Oh...okay," he replied, pulling Nikki closer and wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Your eighteenth birthday. Care to enlighten me, babe?" Nikki pinned his lover with an arched brow just as Tommy was leaning in for a kiss.

He stopped, frozen mid-pucker. Tommy slowly opened his eyes. Nikki couldn't stop the snort of amusement that bubbled up.

"Oh...fuck," Tommy muttered.

"Oh, fuck is right," Nikki responded. "I should kick your ass, my little underage nympho."

"I thought I told you, Nik," Tommy hedged, trying to slip free of Nikki's hold and avoiding the questioning. "I'm sure it came up at some stage."

"No, you seemed to artfully avoid it," Nikki growled lightly. "And now I know why. No wonder your Dad was so pissed at first."

"Yeah," Tommy chuckled. "I dunno what Mom said or did, and neither do I wanna know how she turned Dad's opinion around. Besides...I was legal by law, babe. I was sixteen by then."

"I'm gonna have to send your Mom the biggest bunch of flowers I can find, for that," Nikki said. He finally released Tommy from his embrace, smacking him hard on the ass. "And you're gonna pay too, baby. In more ways than one."

"Oh, I don't doubt that," he grinned.

"After dinner is cleared...playroom! Tonight's entertainment will be brought to you by Your Underage Ass Is Mine, Lee!"


The few weeks since then Nikki had been on the search for the best present for Tommy. It was hard to find appropriate gifts considering his budget and also...what do you give someone that already has everything? Nikki knew something that Tommy would love but he wasn't able to follow through with that one.

Then it occurred to him one afternoon as they were curled together in the oversized chair that Nikki loved so much. It was bigger than an occasional chair but smaller than a loveseat and it sat where it caught the morning sun and Nikki could look out over the valley beyond at nighttime.

Tommy had brought them both a drink, Jack, neat, and had forced his way onto Nikki's lap as he was reading. Rearranging themselves, weaving limbs around the other until they were both comfortable, the pair spent some quiet hours reading, chatting and sharing tender kisses.

"I love this, Nik," Tommy said at one stage. "Just you and I...leaving the rest of the world outside those doors."

"Hmm," Nikki nodded, idly brushing his fingers through Tommy's hair. He stopped, placing his book down between the cushion and the arm after marking his place as his head started picking at little threads of ideas. "If you could do anything, baby, what would be your ideal night out these days?"

Tommy sighed and snuggled closer to Nikki if that was at all possible, "Just the two of us. Maybe just a nice simple meal. Nothing too fancy. You know, somewhere like the Jersey diner where we first met. A movie possibly. Then sex," Tommy grinned, looking up at Nikki. "Definitely sex. Loads and loads of sex!"

Nikki chuckled, looking down at the face he loved so much and seeing nothing but love and pure happiness. It warmed Nikki's soul that he was able to do that much for Tommy. Nikki decided that he would give Tommy his ideal date night as his present. He bent his head and left a soft kiss on Tommy's lips. "You're easily pleased, baby."

"Well, ya's nice having stuff," he said, waving his hands around their living room. "But it's just that...stuff. And I know Mom is planning this damned party with all the aunts and uncles, cousins and shit. But it's what Mom wants for me, not what I want. It'll be fun, especially showing you off this year, baby, but...." Tommy's trailed off.

From that day, Nikki had been planning out the date night. He'd found the perfect restaurant if you could call it that, close enough to resemble the diner where they first met. The movie was inconsequential; Tommy would sit through just about anything, even an animation aimed at kids.

But the timing of the movie was crucial because he was going to be driving them both as close as possible to the Hollywood sign to go parking or whatever they were calling it these days.

He even scouted the perfect location one night, cruising through the known spots in and around Griffith Observatory, with no headlights on to find which was the most secluded. He was surprised at how popular it was and the number of other cars already there. It was never depicted that way in the movies, he thought idly.

Nikki just wanted to give Tommy the romantic night that he deserved. And if he timed it right, he would be the first to get in to wish him a happy birthday. Satisfied with his plan, Nikki headed for home finally. He checked the time and knew that Tommy would be home by the time he got there. He had to convince Tommy to keep two nights open...and he knew exactly how to achieve that.


"So how should I dress for this night out, Nik?" Tommy yelled from their bedroom after finishing his shower.

Nikki had already showered and washed his hair, blow-drying it into a fluffy waterfall of black silk. He didn't want to be smelling of alcohol and cigarettes from the club like he normally did.

"Same as dinner with your parents," he yelled back. "Nice but not too fancy."

Nikki was wearing a pair of black jeans and biker boots with a black fitted T-shirt underneath; Tommy's collar sat against his neck and his chains were hanging against his chest. He checked his wallet, making sure he had all the cash he'd need and slipped it into the pocket of his leather jacket.


Nikki turned as Tommy was coming down the stairs and smiled. "I can say the same for you, Tom."

Tommy was similarly dressed but with soft leather pants, the ones that hugged every curve, the ones that were already driving Nikki crazy with the way they moved and a purple crushed velvet loose shirt.

"I'm feeling slightly underdressed now," Nikki chuckled as Tommy looked down at what Nikki was referring to.

"Babe, you did say nice," Tommy shrugged. "You're looking pretty fine yourself, Nik." Tommy hooked his fingers into Nikki's shirt neckline and pulled him close. "Besides, you're wearing the only thing that really matters." Tommy reached up and touched the thick, intricate chain with the engraved O ring that sat in the hollow of Nikki's throat. Tommy wore the release key on a similar chain around his own neck.

Nikki placed his hands on Tommy's hip, delighting at the feel of the buttery soft leather beneath his fingertips. Oh yeah...tonight is going to be a good night. Tommy cupped his face, drawing their lips together for a kiss that threatened to become a wildfire of desire if Nikki didn't put a stop to it soon.

He pushed Tommy back, breaking the kiss and said, "We better get going if we wanna eat before the movie." He grabbed his keys as Tommy headed for the door.

"Been hanging out to see this Blues Brothers movie. Everyone keeps raving about how good it is," Tommy said, jumping down the few steps with an enthusiastic whoop of happiness.

Nikki grinned at his young love as he set the alarm and closed the door, locking it behind him. Moments like this gave him the clarity to Tommy's age that he hadn't seen before. He shook his head at himself as he made his way to the car. The engine roared to life and the music blasted their ears as Nikki pulled the car out of their drive and out into the night.

The meal was adequate but inconsequential in the overall scheme of Nikki's present.

"I know you've got your parents throwing you a party and all, but this is all I know how to do," Nikki said as he held his glass up for a toast. "Happy early birthday, baby. I just want you to know how much joy you bring me each and every day. You saved me from a life that...who knows what would have happened. For that, I'll forever be grateful. I love you, babe."

"I love you too, Nik," Tommy said, his voice thick with emotion. He pushed over the diner table, meeting Nikki halfway for a kiss, drawing a few disapproving glances their way.

At the movies, they'd bought popcorn and soda and sat in the back row, off to the very side, trying to avoid the majority of the audience that seemed to be hetero couples and groups of friends.

It was a strange time to be in a same-sex relationship, with the general consensus being one of outrage yet having the sense that things were on the verge of changing. Tommy and Nikki kept their overt affections toward each other to the company of people that knew them or under the cover of darkness, like tonight.

As soon as the lights went down, Nikki drew Tommy against him and rested his head against Tommy's, whispering and giggling before sharing soft kisses during the pre-movie ads and previews.

Spending more time watching Tommy than the screen, Nikki only barely followed the storyline. He shifted so that he was facing Tommy and slipped his hand beneath his hair to trace random patterns over the delicate skin, smiling softly when Tommy shuddered at the touch.

Nikki loved that place; hidden from everyone's view except his. It gave Tommy a sense of vulnerability, in Nikki's mind, when Tommy wore his hair pulled back. It was his second favourite body part on his lover.

Nikki nuzzled his nose into Tommy's hair, his hot breath ghosting over the shell of Tommy's ear. "I love you so much, baby," he whispered before nibbling gently on the lobe. "Just keep watching the movie."

Knowing that Tommy was shielded from the rest of the patrons, Nikki bunched the cloth of Tommy's shirt up so that he could slide his hand over the smooth flesh beneath his palm. "I can't wait to get you alone," Nikki whispered, thankful that the movie was quite spirited and could easily disguise any noise he made. "I'm gonna eat you alive, baby." Nikki's fingers moved the skin, teasing, stroking, urgent but never hurried. "Do you want me to touch you, little boy?"

Tommy swallowed heavily, his tongue swiped quickly over his bottom lip and he nodded. "Yes, Daddy," he whispered, just loud enough for Nikki to hear.

"That's my little boy," Nikki smiled wickedly. He took a quick look around before he moved his hand into Tommy's lap, laying his hand over the twitching and growing member beneath his palm.

Tommy shuddered again, his mouth falling open in a breathy moan as Nikki traced the outline of his confined dick.

"Shh, baby," Nikki softly chided. "I'll take care of you." He deftly slipped the button through its hole as Tommy shifted down in his seat a little. Tommy looked at Nikki, their eyes meeting in the darkened theatre and Nikki was compelled to kiss him. He locked his lips on Tommy's, a gentle kiss that threatened to re-ignite that wildfire from earlier as Nikki slid the zipper down carefully.

He swallowed Tommy's moan as he swirled his fingers over the newly-exposed head and around the glans. Burying his hand as deep as it would go into the leather pants, Nikki trailed up the length as Tommy's cock bounced against his hand, blindly seeking more contact.

Feeling, rather than seeing, a pearly bead of sweet nectar escape from the tiny eye, Nikki swiped his thumb through it and brought it up to inspect in the flickering light from the screen before smearing it over Tommy's bottom lip.

"No licking it off," Nikki whispered against Tommy's neck, close to his ear as he kept up his assault with his fingers and lips. "That's mine."

He stroked him with just enough pressure to keep Tommy maddeningly on the edge but not enough to tip him over. As frantic as it made Tommy, it was equally torturous for Nikki too.

Nikki inhaled deeply, scenting like an animal would, as Tommy's musk hung in the air. "I can smell your arousal. I bet those in the seats in front of us can smell you too," Nikki breathed. "It's so thick in the air, I can almost taste it."

"Nikki...," Tommy moaned quietly, shifting impatiently in his seat as he sought the friction that he needed.

"Nah-ah, baby," Nikki scolded. "Not here. This is just the prelude. I got plans for you later." With a final swipe of his thumb through Tommy's nectar, he licked his thumb clean before kissing Tommy for the last time, nibbling away at his bottom lip. When he pulled free, he shifted back into his seat to watch the movie, leaving Tommy agitated as he wrestled his desperate cock back into his pants.

Nikki smirked when he noted that Tommy left his zipper open halfway, unable to close it completely. He could feel the sexual tension rolling of Tommy as he reached across him for the popcorn, taking a handful and popping some in his mouth. He wasn't hungry per se, well not for popcorn anyway. He heard Tommy groan as Nikki's body arched across his.

"Fuckin' tease."

Nikki chuckled softly. "You love it."

It didn't take long for the movie to finish and Tommy had to scramble to fasten his pants before the house lights came back up.

"Good movie, huh?" Nikki commented lightly, as others around them started exiting after the final credits rolled on the screen. Standing up, he readjusted himself into a more comfortable and discreet position. "Did you like it, little boy?" Nikki asked, arching his eyebrow at his lover who was slowly rising from his seat.

Tommy threw Nikki a dark look but stood up and hugged Nikki, "You're lucky you're so fuckin' sexy," he said, rocking Nikki from side to side a little. "I fuckin' hope you plan on finishing me off sooner rather than later, babe."

Oblivious to all those around them, Nikki gently rolled his hips against Tommy's. "You feel that? Don't think you were the only one affected, little boy. C'mon." Nikki took Tommy's hand and they shuffled through the seats to the aisle to be swept up in the human tide leaving the cinema.

As soon as they hit the fresh air outside, Tommy lit them both a cigarette, passing one to Nikki. "Why're you calling me a little boy again, Daddy?" Tommy asked, keeping to the scene Nikki set in the cinema, blowing his smoke up into the night sky as they walked hand in hand back to their car.

"Because, baby," Nikki replied, "you're still technically not an adult by law for another," he checked his watch, "hour and a half or so."

Reaching the car after a short walk, Nikki unlocked and opened the door for Tommy before walking around to the driver's side. Sliding into the seat, he put the key in the ignition and started the engine, "Wanna drive for a bit?"

"I'd rather go home and fuck. This little guy is getting impatient."

"Little?! Slight misnomer there, babe," Nikki chuckled as he placed his hand over the body part in question, squeezing it a little. "Why don't you release him from his confines a little."

"Just don't get us pulled over then," Tommy grinned, popping the button open and releasing the zipper again, pulling his shirt down over himself. "What about you, Nik?"

"Tonight ain't about me, baby," Nikki winked and pulled the car out into the flow of traffic before resting his hand between Tommy's legs, idly fondling and teasing his lover as he drove.

He cruised, seemingly aimless, through the streets as the music from the radio was carried on the breeze flowed through the open windows. Nikki turned off and headed toward Mulholland Drive, happy that at this time of night the drive was relatively easy and relaxed.

"Where are we going, babe?" Tommy asked, his voice slightly strangled with the effort of holding himself in check even though his hips were unconsciously rolling back and forth slightly against Nikki's hand.

Nikki was soon pulling up at the spot he'd found on the scouting trip and thanked all the deities that they were the only ones there. It was deserted and dark. He pulled the car into the shadows and killed the engine quickly.

"'Bout fuckin' time," Tommy groaned as both he and Nikki released the seat levers to push their seats back simultaneously. Tommy stripped himself of his shirt and shuffled his pants down lower before reaching across the centre console only to have his hands brushed away from Nikki's crotch.

"Not yet, little boy," Nikki said. "So impatient." He turned up the radio and in one smooth move, leaned over Tommy, kissing him hard. As Tommy granted access to Nikki's tongue, both men moaned and Nikki spread his hand over Tommy's firm chest muscle, feeling his nipple harden and tighten beneath his palm. Pinching and tweaking it, Nikki nuzzled his way down to its mate, taking it into his teeth and flicking his tongue over it.

"Fuck, yeah," Tommy breathed, arching up to Nikki's mouth. "Fuckin' suck it, Nik."

Nikki felt Tommy's fingers in his hair, trying to guide him to the places he wanted Nikki to be. "So eager, baby," Nikki chuckled. With a final broad swipe of his tongue over the nipple, he pulled Tommy's hands free of his hair. Manoeuvring himself in the small space, he climbed over the centre console and down into the footwell.

Tommy already had the seat pushed back as far as he could for his legs so Nikki settled himself down on his knees. "Tell me what you want, little boy."

"My fuckin' cock down the back of your fuckin' throat, Daddy," Tommy growled.

"Anything for my birthday boy," Nikki smiled up at his younger lover before burying his face into Tommy's lap. He pointed his tongue and ran it from root to tip, swirling around the head and into the V and slit.

"Fuck, Daddy," Tommy whined. "More...please."

Nikki sucked the head in between his lips and Tommy shuddered. Nikki had to hold him down into the seat with a firm grip as he proceeded to take Tommy further into his mouth. Nikki worked at giving Tommy the best blow job of his life using the music as his rhythm track.

Tommy grabbed hold of Nikki's hand and brought his fingers to his mouth, sucking them between his lips and mimicking what Nikki was doing.

Nikki groaned and dropped lower, letting Tommy's head hit the back of his throat. He held there for as long as possible, feeling his eyes water with the effort and the saliva drip from his mouth down Tommy's length.

He pulled up, gasping for breath, his smile wide and glistening with a mixture of bodily fluids. Slipping his arms beneath Tommy's legs, he dragged him closer, pushing his legs back and exposing his most intimate entrance. "Keep 'm there, babe," he huffed.

"You need a bigger car, Nik," Tommy grumbled and grunted as he tried to position his long limbs comfortably.

"Nah, I like this car," he replied after finding the small tube of lube he'd stashed earlier. "It's fuckin' sexy." It was Nikki's pride and joy; a 1970 Pontiac Firebird that he was in the middle of lovingly restoring the paint job. "Now...where was I before I was interrupted? Oh yeah, I was just about to eat you." He licked his lips, wolf-like in the darkness with his mane of dark hair and sharp, white teeth before delving between Tommy's ass.

Nikki teased and prepped Tommy with minimal effort, but still with great care, before finally freeing himself from his pants, his shirt had gone long ago.

"Fuck, Nik...hurry...please," Tommy complained. "I'm getting a cramp."

"Want me to wind down the window?"

"Could you?"

"Can't have you screaming in pain and drawing attention to us," Nikki replied, quickly lowering the window down and guiding Tommy's leg out. "Just don't kick my side mirror off, babe."

"Haha!" he said, "Just fuckin' gimme your cock already, huh? I been blue-ballin' since the movies."

"Greedy little boy, aren't you?" Nikki hissed as he slicked himself up with the gel, his own cock angry and impatient at being confined for so long.

"Fuck, yeah! Can never get enough of you, Nik-guh...," Tommy said just as Nikki pushed through Tommy's last defence, taking him by surprise. "Oh...fuck, yeah," he groaned.

The car was cramped and hot but there was no way that Nikki would change a thing. He was balls-deep in the love of his life and trying to show Tommy how much he meant to him.

"Home, this is home," Nikki murmured. "This is love, isn't it?!"

"It's more of a fuck right now, babe," Tommy panted as Nikki pounded into him. "It's love when we're stretched out on our bed."

"Shut up," Nikki chuckled, leaning forward to kiss Tommy. "Don't be a brat otherwise I'll have to spank you later. Appreciate the sentiments behind the night."

The small car rocked in the shadows and if anyone had passed by, they went unseen by the couple in the car as their love moved heaven and earth.


It had ticked over to midnight.

The radio announcer's voice dripped with honey as he spoke to the unseen masses listening to him.

This next one goes out to all those that have been through some tough times of late. Here's Alice Cooper with How You Gonna See Me Now.

Dear darlin' surprised to hear from me?
Bet you're sittin' drinkin' coffee, yawnin' sleepily
Just to let you know
I'm gonna be home soon
I'm kinda awkward and afraid
Time has changed your point of view

Exhausted, sweaty and completely satiated, Nikki leaned over the centre console to Tommy after they'd both reached the dizzying heights of their releases, and cupped his face lovingly. "Tomorrow, well tonight now, you'll be celebrating with all your family, but right here right now, it's just us."

How you gonna see me now
Please don't see me ugly babe
'Cause I know I let you down
In oh so many ways
How you gonna see me now
Since we've been on our own
Are you gonna love the man
When the man gets home

"When I left," Nikki said, shifting into a more comfortable position on his side of the car. He propped his head on his hand so that he could look at Tommy while they talked, "I didn't know when I'd be back but I always knew that I would. The biggest question was...did you want me back? Had I hurt you so badly that you ended up hating me. That I couldn't deal with."

Listen darlin' now I'm heading for the west
Straightened out my head but my old heart is still a mess
Yes I'm worried honey
Guess that's natural though
It's like I'm waiting for a welcome sign
Like a hobo in the snow

Tommy sighed, taking Nikki's hand in his and idly played with his fingers. "How could I ever hate you, Nik. I was prepared to marry you regardless of what I had to go through with my folks for that," Tommy replied. "I fought tooth and nail to convince them that I knew what I was doing. Dad even had you investigated to make sure you weren't just trying to get to the family money."

"You never told me that," Nikki said, genuinely surprised that it hadn't come up before now. " much dirt did he dig up?"

How you gonna see me now
Please don't see me ugly babe
'Cause I know I let you down
In oh so many ways
How you gonna see me now
Since we've been on our own
Are you gonna love the man
When the man gets home

"Pretty much everything, apparently," Tommy said.


"Yeah, I never read it," the younger man said. "I trusted my heart...that you were the one and only for me. That you'd never be that callous to be with me just for my money...or my future money, I should say."

"I won't say you didn't hurt me," Tommy continued, "but I couldn't imagine living my life without you. Then when you told me to cut you free...."

"Shhh," Nikki soothed. "I know, baby. I should never have said those things."

"No, you shouldn't have, fucker," Tommy grumbled and Nikki huffed out an amused breath.

And just like the first time
We're just strangers again
I might have grown out of style
In the place I've been
And just like the first time
I'll be shakin' inside
When I walk in the door
There'll be no place to hide

Nikki drew Tommy's hand to kiss his fingers, too exhausted to do any more than that at this stage. "Thank you for having that faith in me, baby," he replied. "I was so scared of coming home. Even though we'd spoken on the phone...face to face was always going to be the defining moment. As soon as I saw your eyes though...I knew I was home...for good."

How you gonna see me now
Please don't see me ugly babe
'Cause I know I let you down
In oh so many ways
How you gonna see me now
Since we've been on our own
Are you gonna love the man
When the man gets home

"Happy birthday, baby," Nikki murmured against Tommy's mouth. "Guess I can't call you little boy anymore, huh? And only little boys fuck in a car that's way too small." He shifted around the steering wheel for the umpteenth time since crawling off the floor of the car and Tommy barked out a laugh.

"Then take me home, babe, and love me like an adult," Tommy said, leaning over to draw Nikki into a loving kiss.

"I'm already home anytime I'm with you, my Tommy," Nikki replied with a kiss. "My forever and a day."


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