Let Us Prey (Sixx/Lee)

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Author's Notes:

Well, here we are again...

I hope you've all had a nice week...and if it hasn't been so nice, I hope this will bring a little bright spot to it.

I must admit I struggled hard mid-week but it's just the usual build-up to Christmas (oh, and living with 3 males that don't give a toss, but that's a different story) - the expectation vs reality kind of stuff that gets me down into a funk every goddamn year! Why do we do this to ourselves?!
Last year, I had my butt in gear and had all my gifts bought...this year, my Hashimoto's is kicking my butt and my energy levels are digging their way through to the other side of Earth. So if any of you see it...send it back, please?! 🤔🤣 I may be able to get some replies made then!

Anyway, back to the story...there's at least another three chapters to this book-within-a-book, so please, take a seat, settle in and open the next chapter.

Enjoy! Love and hugs to you all...


Oh, and if I've got any of the technical stuff in the second half of this wrong...I apologise, unreservedly.

Let Us Prey

Lee-Sixx House


Tommy POV

Tommy glanced over at his sister, who, by the looks of it, was sleeping against the window, as he drove home through the quiet streets.

He was used to driving at the time of the morning when the bars and clubs had spilled their patrons out onto the streets, the shift workers were either going home or starting and the early risers who were out doing whatever they needed to do.

Tommy sighed and drew his eyes back to the road. He'd never been more scared in his life than he'd been when he'd heard his sister's scared plea for help. Actually, that was a lie. The only other time was when Nikki had run back to the East Coast.

But tonight, he hadn't been sure what he was going to find when he arrived at Athena's apartment. He would forever be grateful that she moved to a more secure building, one of the Family Trust's own, that had a substantial nighttime security detail.

His jaw flexed when he thought about what could have happened to his sister. Dan McPherson was a name that he'd never thought he'd hear again, to be honest. His blood had run cold when Athena told the police that he'd threatened her and Storm.

No one was going to take his daughter or threaten his sister!

He turned the corner into their street and, in the distance, could see their house was the only one with lights on in various rooms, which meant either Nikki had fallen asleep waiting for him or, more likely, that he was still awake.

Pulling into the drive, Tommy waited for the garage door to open before rolling the car inside, the door shutting automatically behind him. He scrubbed at his eyes and gently shook his sister awake.

"Theeny...we're home," he murmured and, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the connecting door open wide to show Nikki, backlit by the lights inside the house, looking extremely worried.

"Huh?!" Athena asked sleepily. She looked around, confused at first, inhaling a breath as she fought against unconsciousness, batting Tommy's hand away from her arm.

Nikki had moved into the garage, lightly tapping the hood of the car on his way past. He opened Athena's door carefully and held his hand out to her. "Hey, Theeny," Nikki crooned as he helped her from the car. "You're safe now, sweetheart," he said and drew her into his arms.

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