We Can Dance (Bongiovi/Sambora)

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Hello everyone!

Hope you've all had an amazing week but if not, I hope this brightens your weekend *cue evil laugh*...

Love you all!


We Can Dance

Later That Evening

Bongiovi-Sambora house


"So, sis," Seb said around a bite of pizza, "How was the party? Do the LA kids stand up to us Jersey kids when it comes to partying?"

"Yeah, Lia," Richie smirked. "Tell the boys what you, Storm and her friends got up to...and don't leave anything out."

"Especially the hangover part," Jon added, arching his eyebrow at her as he reached for another slice of pie before settling back into the couch, his feet in Richie's lap.

He'd got over his anger and after making amends first with Lia at the airport, promising to make amends to Richie in private later, Jon was feeling extremely relaxed now that he was home.

After a unanimous vote, pizza was called for while he went to shower. Even though they hadn't done anything strenuous today, it felt glorious to wash away the grime of the airport and the plane. He had tried to coerce Richie into the shower with him to start his apology but his husband just gave him a wry smile and reminded him that they were not alone.

"Like we haven't-," Jon had started to say, deliberately sliding his soapy hand down his belly.

Richie, whose eyes had been drawn to the movement momentarily, smirked and shook his head before leaving the bathroom. Jon had laughed, the noise bouncing off the tiled walls and he had to reluctantly admit that Richie might have had a point.

"Oooh," Sebastian crowed. Jordan coughed as he choked on a bite of pizza in surprise. "Not my sweet little sister?! Tell me she didn't get drunk?!"

"Fuck off, asshole," Lia grumbled, taking a swig from her can of soda. "It was good! We-"

"The booze?" Seb teased, interrupting his sister which earned him a withering look and a flipped middle finger.

"Dude!" Jordan exclaimed, whacking his friend on the arm. "Let her speak."

"Thank you, Jordan," Lia said with a shy smile toward her brother's friend before turning and poking her tongue out at Seb. "At least someone here has some manners."

Jon watched the exchange between the siblings, in which he included Jordan. The boy had spent so much time at their place over the years, that he and Richie automatically thought of him as one of theirs. There was something a little...off...when Lia spoke to Jordan but he couldn't quite figure it out. He mentally shrugged, too relaxed to look for more clues that would explain his feeling.

"We had breakfast at this new restaurant. Storm got some beautiful gifts from her aunt and grandmother. A fucking tiara that her grandma won as Miss Greece!"

"Mrs Lee?" Seb asked incredulously.

"Tommy said his mom was a looker when he was a kid," Richie offered.

"Did Storm like your gifts?" Seb asked, knowing what they were.

"I thought she was going to pee herself over the signed card from Katy," Lia chuckled. "Oh! And then Athena took the ladies to the spa for the day so that Nikki, Tommy and these two," Lia pointed to her fathers, "could finish getting the other stuff set up."

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