Set Me Free (Sixx/Lee)

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Author's Notes

Hello and welcome to the last Friday (Australian time) of 2021!

Thank you, everyone, for your friendship over the past 12 months. It's been a joy to write for you all.

I hope you enjoy today's wrap-up of Dan McPherson's demise. There's a little of everything in there for you all...(especially for the Terrorcest shippers😉)

Happy New Year, everyone, and I hope 2022 treats you kindly.


Lee-Sixx Residence

3:52 am

"We have news about the fugitive, Dan McPherson. May we come in?"

"Yes! Yes, of course," Nikki replied, throwing the door wider to allow the two officers entry.

"'Theeny, grab the baby monitor on your way down," Tommy said to his sister. "Mom, do you need a hand down the stairs?"

"Phht," his mother scoffed. "I am tired. I am not an invalid." Voula tied the sash on her robe tighter before carefully stepping down the stairs. Tommy waited for his mother as Nikki showed the officers into the living room.

Athena, who had emerged from the master bedroom with a wrinkled nose, joined them, also taking the stairs reasonably cautiously due to the lack of sleep. "Ugh...your bedroom needs airing, brothers dear. It smells like you've just had sex."

"Coz we did, sis," her brother replied as he guided his mother to the sofa.

Nikki, ignoring the siblings' banter, made the introductions as the family settled on the sofas, eagerly seeking answers.

Everyone seemed wide awake now, especially Nikki. He felt as though he was vibrating with energy, but what was the cause was the big mystery. Was he scared that he'd been found out? Was he relieved that they would have some kind of answer? That was what he couldn't pinpoint.

"Can I offer you anything, Officers?" Nikki asked as everyone got themselves settled.

"Thank you but no," Officer Lui said.

Nikki sat on the edge of his chair and Tommy folded himself in behind him, offering comfort, and Nikki leaned back appreciatively.

Officer Calderon opened his notebook and said, "We've located several of the missing items, including a briefcase. Who does the cash belong to?"

"Technically all of us," Athena said. "It was supposed to have been banked into the Family Trust account. It was the rental income for the week from our regional offices. The bank had computer issues so I collected it to take into the head office for banking. I would usually lock it in my safe but with all the issues this week, I forgot."

Both officers were taking notes as Athena explained.

"Do you know how much was in the briefcase?"

"Ah...somewhere between twenty and thirty thousand," Athena replied with a shrug. "The bank book was in my purse."

"There was only about half left in that case," Officer Lui offered.

"I don't care about the cash!" Tommy snapped. "Is that fucking bastard behind bars? Sorry, Mom," he threw a chagrined look toward his mother.

", he's-," Officer Lui started to say when Nikki leapt to his feet.

"What the fuck?!" Nikki exclaimed, rising from the chair and started pacing as he spoke. "Why not?! Did you catch him at all? What?! So we're all supposed to live like scared rabbits for the rest of our lives?!"

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