Learning How To Fly (Bongiovi/Sambora)

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Author's Notes

Happy weekend, everyone!

This one is for all the JonandRichie shippers.

They've welcomed me back with open arms and it's been like slipping into a warm bed; safe and comfortable. I hope you feel the same way, too!❤️❤️❤️


Sunday Afternoon Post Sweet Sixxteen

LAX VIP Departure Lounge

Richie POV

Richie had just signed the family into the VIP Lounge as they waited out the two hours before their flight home. Everyone was tired and tense and Lia was morose and snarky with her first hangover.

Jon was particularly irritable and cranky and, unfortunately for Lia, taking it out on her. Richie knew it was just because he was scared but it came across as frustration and anger. Jon always took it the hardest when their children slowly moved from one stage in life to the next. Richie would need to jog Jon's memory about what hijinx they had been getting up to when they were not much older than their daughter.

That's not to say that he wasn't disappointed that Lia had willingly got slightly drunk at the slumber party but he also realised that it was part of growing up. This was just another first to chalk up for their little girl. Richie hoped that she would learn at least a small lesson from the experience.

He wasn't going to lecture since Nikki had explained that he had performed said lecture to all the girls and made them clean the room as punishment. Nikki had assured them that Lia was the least hungover though, which was a small blessing.

The concierge showed them to a group of comfortable lounge chairs and pointed out the amenities and buffet before confirming the details of their flight with the assurance they would be advised when it was time to make their way to the gate.

Lia dumped her backpack unceremoniously on the floor and flopped into a chair with a groan, pulling her legs up and the hoodie she wore, over her face.

"Hey," Jon snapped as he set his small bag between two seats, "move your bag out of the walkway. That's all we need this weekend is to be sued if someone trips over your shit, Lia. Just...look after your stuff for once, huh?!"

"Jonny," Richie said, laying a cautioning hand on Jon's arm. "This can wait until we get home, huh?"

Lia sighed heavily, making it obvious to all around them that she was being asked to do something against her teenage will before unfurling herself and reaching for her backpack with exaggerated movements, yanking it closer and making a show of tucking it under her seat. Throwing her father a withering glare, she said, "Happy now?!" before curling back into the ball she was previously in.

Richie saw the muscle in Jon's jaw pop and he had to fight back a chuckle. "How about I get us something to drink, Cowboy? It'll help settle down that ulcer that you're brewing in there," he said, patting Jon on the belly and kissing the side of his head before heading toward the bar.

He placed the order for two wines and a tall glass of cola. Leaning against the bar he turned back to watch Jon and their offspring. Lia was going through something that they hadn't quite figured out yet but he was willing to place bets that it involved a boy somehow. And that notion was probably what was scaring Jon more than Lia's minor alcoholic escapade.

The drinks were placed in front of him and Richie thanked the bartender, picking the glasses up expertly before walking back to their area. Jon had picked up a newspaper that had been left on the table and was huffily turning pages, a picture of pure parental outrage. Richie placed the glasses on the small table.

This Is Love, This Is LifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang