Friends (Sixx/Lee/Bongiovi/Sambora)

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Author's Notes

Hellooooo everybody (read that in a Mrs Doubtfire voice😏)

Hope everyone has had a lovely week and if not, I'm sending you hugs! Hell, I'm sending hugs to you all anyway!🤗

Storm's party is in full swing here and what had started out as a little fluff piece...well, let's just say it threw a tantrum and ran away singing na-na-nana-nah at me🙄🤣

Enjoy, lovelies...❤️


Saturday Evening

Nikki POV

Nikki was leaning on the railing of the balcony that overlooked their pool area. The yard was littered with teenagers and he was sure that if he hadn't had the pool covered with a hard surface to garner more usable room, they'd be swimming as well.

At the back of the yard, a large outdoor screen had been erected and was currently showing music video clips before the movie. There was a catered concession stand beneath the balcony and the aroma of popcorn, hotdogs and pizza wafted up to him.

It was at moments like this that Nikki couldn't help but study the differences between his sixteenth year and his daughter's. By the time he'd turned sixteen, Nikki had constantly been in and out of trouble with his mom and her seemingly never-ending stream of abusive boyfriends. He'd also been dealing drugs of all kinds for over three years, which had resulted in him being thrown out of school. Although he had always considered school an absolute waste of his time, he had enjoyed some aspects of it. Like what some of the kids were doing down below him, thinking they were unseen by adult eyes.

Nikki was grateful that Tommy's family had set the benchmark for wholesome family life, unlike anything that Nikki had ever lived through. It had made Nikki strive to be a better man once he and Tommy had worked out their differences.

That wasn't to say that life had been easy. He and Tommy would often have heated whispered arguments well into the night just so that Storm wouldn't hear them. Nikki could only recall one time that it had come to blows but it was Tommy's shocked face and Storm's tearful scream as a three-year-old who had escaped her crib that pulled Nikki back into a remorseful reality.

They'd both spun on their heels to see their daughter sobbing on the staircase and rushed over to her to scoop her up and set things right in her small world again. They'd made a promise that night. After they'd calmed Storm and put her back to bed and then retired to their bed for Nikki to make his more private apology to Tommy, they'd vowed that they would never let it get that heated again.

That was when the playroom had come into its own. Even if it didn't turn out to be a full-blown scene, it was perfectly soundproofed for even the smallest of arguments where they just needed to yell in frustration.

Nikki sighed contentedly, shifting his feet but didn't move from his resting place against the balcony. He was feeling a little edgy even though his outward demeanour wouldn't show the internal restlessness.

He tried to pinpoint what it was but the only thing he could come up with was that he was just plain horny and with no way of relieving that situation anytime soon.

It didn't help that his lover and ex-lover were within touching distance and he was watching half a dozen young couples making out on the temporary piles of cushions intended for the viewing of the movie.

Hell, he even included Loverboy in the mental tryst that was currently playing in his head.

And if he didn't have a house full of teenagers with rampant hormones at the moment, he probably would have acted upon that urge.

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