Procrasturbation (Sixx/Lee)

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Author's Notes:

I was supposed to be working on a new fic this week but real-life Tommy Lee's antics on social media offered up an opportunity this week that I couldn't ignore.🤔😈🤣 And if you know, you know, and if you need to revisit or haven't seen as yet - it's still on Tommy's Twitter feed.

What else can I say but both Tommy Lees get bored when in hotel rooms by themselves...


September 2013

Sixx-Lee House

Mid-week, late night

Nikki POV

"Aww, baby," Nikki said into the phone, "we'll see you in a few days. The bed is cold without you."

"I wish I was home too or at the very least, you and Stormy Skies were here with me," Tommy said, the trans-Atlantic connection crackling slightly. "London is no fun without you both. I can't understand why 'Thena loves it here so much."

"Coz it's close to the rest of Europe, dummy," Nikki chuckled. "She kinda needs that to do her job, remember?!"

"I get that," Tommy sighed, "but couldn't I have done my part from home? I'm bored, Nik."

"Because as your sister's 2IC you need to be seen and not just a name on a document." He racked his brain for ideas. "Go for a walk? Read a book? Watch some British TV?"

Nikki heard his lover huff before the click and hiss of his lighter.

"Why don't you go take a bath that the British are so fond of," he suggested finally. "It might help you relax a little. You got plenty of time before your first meeting."

"Again, no fun without you," Tommy grumbled.

"I'm sure you'll find a way to amuse yourself, baby," Nikki chuckled.

"Fine-uh!" Tommy groaned with the perfect imitation of their daughter in full-blown teenage angst mode which made Nikki chuckle again. "But only because it's getting late there. Is Stormy still awake?"

"No idea to be honest," Nikki replied, casting a look toward their bedroom door as though it would provide the answer. "She said she had a headache but also homework to do after dinner. If I got my calendar right, it'll be a PMS headache."

"Hmm," Tommy grunted. "Poor kid. Let me know if it's anything significant and I'll come home."

"Now you're just looking for excuses to come home, aren't you?!"

"Guilty as charged," Tommy admitted. "Okay, I might go try your suggestion. Sweet dreams of me, Nik. I'll talk to you in the morning."

"I always dream of you, my love," Nikki said, "but they're far from sweet." He grinned when Tommy groaned in response.

"Not helping, dude! I already woke up as horny as fuck!"

"Then go take care of that," Nikki purred. "I'll see you in my dreams, baby. I love you."

"Love you too, Nik. G'night, babe," Tommy replied.

The phone went dead in Nikki's hand and he smirked, swiping a few of the apps closed before placing it back on his nightstand. He picked up his book again, wanting to finish the chapter he was currently reading.

He lost himself in the crime novel, completing one chapter and starting the next, captivated by the suspense as the killer stalked his prey when his phone suddenly came to life, buzzing uncontrollably with notifications, moments before a scream came from Storm's room.

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