Rosie (Bongiovi/Sambora)

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Author's Notes:

See?! I can't leave this AU for long before I hear the siren call of our boys telling yet another piece of their story.

But before I begin, let me say first up...I'm sorry! This one may get rough...and have tissues handy!

For my long-term readers, this will bring back a much-loved character and fill you in on their backstory and why they were so important.

To my newer readers, This Is Love, This Is Life is a book of fill-ins and backstories that never made it to the main book at their time of writing. To gain more understanding, may I suggest, that you start from the beginning of the series if you haven't already, and then come back to this book. We also try to put corresponding Books and chapters as a reference at the beginning.

And, as always, if you have any questions, Esayel or I will be more than happy to answer them.😌💜

As usual, I read every comment and if I don't get around to answering then it usually means that I've been lost to the words here...since Chapter Two is going swimmingly, touch wood, then I'll get around to playing catch up today.

Hope you're all as healthy and as safe as you can be right now and I send the biggest hugs to each and every one of you!



Original Reference: Saturday Nights Chapter 17


Chapter One

10 April 1981

Richie's Apartment

Early Morning


The constant ringing of the phone jolted Jon awake. He looked around the small apartment in confusion as he struggled to comprehend what was happening. The phone rang again and he pushed up off the couch where he'd fallen asleep waiting for Richie to come home.

He checked his watch, seeing that it was only around 1.30 in the morning. His boyfriend wasn't due home from the bar for another couple of hours. Concern bubbled up from his gut as he picked up the receiver.

"Hello?!" he asked.

"I'm looking for a Mr Richie Sambora?" the voice said. Clear and efficient, it had enough authority in it to further escalate Jon's concern.

"He's at work at the moment," Jon said. "I'm his, his flatmate. Can I help you?"

"Can you get a message to Mr Sambora tonight?" the male voice asked and Jon's stomach dropped. If it were that urgent, then that meant someone was in serious trouble.

"Yes, of course," he said as his hand tightened around the receiver. "Who is this?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Dr Raife Blackburn. I'm one of the doctors at Monmouth Hospital," Dr Blackburn said. "Um...we've had a patient admitted to our Emergency Department and the only contact name we can find is Mr Sambora's on this number."

"Who...who is it?" Jon asked, confused and worried. Surely Richie's parents would have other contacts as well as Richie. He didn't even know if they had this number.

"We have a Mrs Moreno here," Dr Blackburn said.

"Moreno?!" he questioned, wracking his brain as to who that could be.

"Yes, Rosie Moreno...?!" the doctor replied, confirming the name.

"Rosie?! Oh god, no," Jon gasped, clutching at his stomach. "What...I know Rosie, too. What happened?" Jon suddenly felt a little light-headed and ill. Rosie was their mother figure, their friend and confidant.

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