Fight For Your Rights (Sixx/Lee)

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Author's Notes:

Hellooo Possums!

What a week! I'm feeling very thankful that I've got at least two weeks worth of chapters in the can! It's been a busy one.

Ready to see what happens next? I'm sure you are...there was a lot of vitriol aimed at our villain last week, so I'm interested to read your comments this week!

Thank you all for the friendship and support you give means the world!😌❤️❤️❤️


Fight For Your Rights

Next Day

Nikki POV

The unexpected call from their lawyer came early that day.

"They've called an out-of-court hearing for this afternoon," Brad Gordon said. Brad was one of the lawyers retained by the Bass Family Trust after he had been the one to successfully handle Storm's adoption. "McPherson is filing for full custody, claiming that Storm is his and that he wasn't made aware of the child."

"That's fuckin' bullshit!" Tommy spat. "Kim told us that she told McPherson straight out. That's when he beat the ever-lovin' shit out of her and threw her out."

Nikki laid his hand on Tommy's back hoping to soothe him even though Nikki felt like they were both about to explode. He knew he should have given the go-ahead to his contacts yesterday, or even the night that cocksucker was at 'Thena's place. He looked at the siblings that were his family and he knew he had to protect them both as much as he had to protect his daughter.

Ever since Kimberley had told them, over time, of the abuse that McPherson had doled out while she'd been dating him, Nikki had been trying to come up with a way to keep his family, especially his soon-to-be-born daughter, safe from the hands of that motherfucker.

Even though they'd retained Brad Gordon, an adoption lawyer and one of the best in the city, Nikki still didn't trust a piece of paper to keep the baby safe.

As the new life within Kimberley's belly grew, and the insidious cancer was steadily extinguishing her own life, Nikki had grown to love them both. He also recognised the fact that Kim, unfortunately, would soon be safe from McPherson when she finally lost the battle. They all realised that Kim's fight for life against the cancer was no longer one for survival but one to ensure the longest possible time with her daughter. And Nikki wanted to make sure that what time she won was as stress-free as possible.

He'd stumbled on a plan one night at the club as he idly watched a deal go down. Neither were regulars and weren't aware that they had the club owner's eyes on them. It wasn't the slickest of deals, Nikki thought slowly wandering through the crowd, working his way over to them, as they drew too much attention to themselves by constantly checking over their shoulders but it did give him the germ of an idea. Nikki caught the eye of Chuck, his doorman, who nodded and left his station to provide backup should Nikki need it.

"Gentlemen," Nikki said, grasping them both by their necks, digging his fingers into pressure points painfully, effectively immobilising them. "If you think I'm going to let a sloppy deal go down in my club without permission, then you're sorely mistaken." Once Chuck had moved his bulk in behind the buyer, Nikki relaxed his grip on him. "Hand it over," he said, and by the way the smaller man's eyes flew wide open, Nikki assumed that Chuck had just pressed the end of his torch into the man's back, making it feel as though he was being held at gunpoint.

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