Chapter 15: Plan

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Jannidriel's POV

I am looking at the night sky right now. I am currently thinking of a plan on how to make Eluriel come out and face me for these things to be done already.

"What are you thinking?" a voice said on my back which made me flinch. It is Mithrandir.

"Oh goodness. Well, I am thinking of something that's all." I said and look back at the night sky.

"I wonder what that 'something' would be." He said and came beside me.

"I am thinking of a plan to end all these. I feel bad for the people who died just to stop the falling of the land. They did not deserve all these." I said as I shook my head.

"What would that plan be? I hope you will not risk your life." He said which made me look at him. My life is not that important now. Risking my life and saving these people are the things that are important to me. Atleast to me.

"What's the matter on risking my life? It is my purpose, right? Well, risking my life will give the people of Middle-earth a peaceful life. My hard work won't be wasted. That is my job, right? That's why I am here." I said as I shrug my shoulders.

"It is your work to save us all but you know, yourself that someone is also waiting for you to come home after all this." He said while looking at me. I chuckled because of what i heard which made him raise his eyebrows.

"Who would that be? Oh, yeah... My family on the other side. Yeah, they definitely will." I said with a jolly tone.

"You know vey well that they are not the one I am talking about, My Lady." Gandalf said. I only smiled sadly of what he had said.

"They had abandoned me. No one-not even my own husband believed in me. In their eyes, I am a murderer and nothing more."  I said and heaved a sigh.

"Would you just let it like that?" he asked.

"You know I tried my best to explain myself to them but nothing happened. Seems like they hate me more than before. If they really not want me to be in their lives, I'll respect that. I'll better do my job." I said and looked at him seriously and walked away from him.

"I think it is okay that they will hate me until the end because if they will, I can go back to my own world without hassle." I said to myself.

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