Chapter 17: The Expected Ones

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Time goes by and the time for the wedding between Aragorn and Arwen came. People in Aragorn's palace has been busy as the event keep approaching. The people looked exhausted at the same time, feels happy for the two people who will become one today.  They all feel happy but me. I feel a little bit sa because I cannot be in the actual venue to see them closely. i will just be behind them -- watching them to prevent possible trouble. I don't want to ruin this also. This is one of a lifetime event so, I will just endure it. 

Looking at the two people who are tying the knot today makes me remember the past. I can still remember how happy we were during that time. If only I knew that things like this will happen, I should have made that wedding possible. By that, I am saved from these hurt I am feeling right now.

I don't know how I managed to watch wedding until the end when I know to myself that wedding is kind of  phobia to me because of what happened to the past. I also watched everybody as they enjoyed the party just after the wedding. Everyone is having fun except me. Due to boredom and the hurt I am feeling,  I decided to go  somewhere to take some fresh air. I silently went away from the place where I was and rode a horse away from the castle.

I decided to sit near a dead tree in an almost dead forest. I stared to the place silently and heaved a sigh as I took out some seeds that the Valars (it is the same seeds that I gave to the rulers of different races to protect their territories.)  and watch the forest miracously reviving. When it is finished reviving the forest, I gently close my eyes and let my sentiments out.

"I wonder... Until when would I  feel this feeling? Until when will I endure this? I  think I need to rest... "  I told myself and let out a sad laugh.

"I am tired of everything. Would you guys just let me die and be at peace already?  I know there 's an easy way for me to end all these mess here so... Would you please tell me what  it is that  so  I can have my rest now. If I have to sacrifice..." I continued, hoping that the Valars will be listen to me and answer me. As I was about to sit because of frustration, I heard a light footstep walking away from where I was. I never thought that someone will be coming here. I thought they are enjoying the party and I know there were no person who saw me when I went away from the place of the wedding. I didn't know that Legolas also came here.

"Legolas... What are you doing here? I thought you guys are having fun?"  I asked with a shocked expression.

He stopped a bit to listen to the words I just told him but didn't say anything. I came near him and held his right hand without him facing him.

"Do you feel bored over there? I hope you asked your friend, Aragorn that you're coming here." I said and smiled. He is still not facing me.

"Come and sit here beside me, Ion nin." I said and let him sit on a big rock near us. I let him sit first before I did.

"You know, I want to hear your voice, my son. It's been years ever since I heard you talk to me and hug me. I am not telling you talk to me now and hug me like before. It's just... In the future, would you do that for me?" I asked him again but he still don't want to talk to me. I heaved a sigh and pat his head and gently stroke his hair.

"No matter what happens, you are still my son, Legolas. Please do not forget that. Hate me until you want but I want you to know that I love you and your father, too. When the time when I have to go,  I hope you'll learn how to forgive me, too and I will always look forward  on that."
I said. In every word I spoke, he never looked or glance at me. I let go of his hand  when he didn't say anything. As I let him go, he stood up and without turning back, he walked away from me.

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