Chapter 5: The Journey

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Jannidriel’s POV

Today is the day that the fellowship will go on their journey going to Mordor. I would love to go and hug Legolas before they go but I know that he despises me just like his father. I just walked outside and followed them with my stares. I sighed and went back in my room when and get the bag that contained some seeds then went out again to look for Elrond.
I give Elrond the seeds.

“What would this seeds do?” he said curiously. I smiled at him and answered.

“Plant this here in your place and you’ll see how it works but of course, give some to the other lands who have refugees. They need it.”

“I will do that.” He said and he excused himself to go and find those leaders who need to take the seeds. I walked away from the place just the same and went to the garden of Celebrian. This garden is very memorable for me for this is the place where Elrond and his wife were wedded. I wish I will go back during that time and stayed there until I die.

I opened my eyes when I felt that someone is with me here in the garden. I turned around and got surprised when I saw my husband standing not too far from where I am. He’s staring at me coldly so I looked away and decided to leave the place.

“Eluriel came back… I want to talk to you about breaking the marriage that we have before.” He said. I wanted to talk but I decided not to. I might just cry and beg him not to. Instead of answering I  just decided to start walking and leave him there but as I was about to walk, he held my arm tightly.

“Answer me!” he said coldly but I just look at him and tried to pull my arm from him. I am dying but that doesn’t mean I will give my family up. As long as I avenged my son’s death and saved this world then I will answer him because during that time, I am surely dead and his wish would be granted it just that his soon-to-be-wife would be dead too.

“You cannot force me to answer you, Thranduil. Let me go.” I said and pulled my arm from him which is successful. I just look at him the last time and walked away. As I was about to go to my room I saw Elrond again so I told him not to give seeds to Thranduil yet. If Eluriel is there in MIrkwood then he cannot plant it and Mirkwood would be in danger if that happens.

“Pull the witch out of Mirkwood before you plant the seed.” I just told Elrond and leave him there curious.

I am packing arrows and put my bow on my back and putting the sword on my hip. I see, the witch is here in Rivendell. I just hope Elrond already planted the seed in Mirkwood. If I have to use some tricks to get rid of this witch, then I will do it.

“When will Thranduil and the Queen of filth be out of here?” I asked Lindir in a whisper.

“Well… of what I heard, tomorrow.” He whispered back.

“Where’s Elrond?” I asked him again which made him look around us then came near me.

“He went to Mirkwood just like you instructed and plant the seeds.” He whispered which made me giggle. Tsss…. Elrond is really something. As I heard that I went back to my room and waited for Elrond to go back. Just as Elrond came back in the morning, they bade their goodbye on which it is the time that I planted the vine just the same. Only Thranduil can come in to Mirkwood and only Elrond can come in here. Hehehe…. What now… I will win, witch…. You just fought the wrong person and got a wrong decision for doing all this….

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