Lackey - 13

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AN: I Can't remember if I made this story take place on a weekday or weekend so I will be just going with either. I hope you do not mind.

Art's POV:

There goes my alarm again. 7:00 is blinking on the black box in red. On my bedside table It's on the edge of falling after the multiple slaps it's endured. I woke up early in a sweat from a nightmare of a repeat of last night's events. I really don't wish to head to school but my brother would be concerned.

My door opens and I look over to me the eyes of my brother. "Oh, you're awake? That's new." he came into my room and looked around. My room wasn't a mess. "No trash either? That's new as well..." Zen walked over to me and sat on the opposite side of the bed from me. "You said you'd tell me why you ran off yesterday after school but I'm just now seeing you the next day." He sounded stern and serious but I couldn't just tell him what had happened. I wasn't the greatest at telling lies either so I told him a somewhat true and somewhat lie story.

"I was speeding off to see a friend of mine because he needed help with his homework for our next class asap. And once we were returning to class I felt very tired all of a sudden and passed out. My friend brought me to his house until I felt better to go home." I fixed my alarm clock and pulled out some medicine for headaches  I store in my dresser. I grab my water bottle and take some medicine. looking over, I can see my brother deciding to believe me or not. I know he knows it's fake he has that look. But he decides to let it rest.

"Hey, zen wanna skip school with me?" My voice gets quieter this time speaking. He scolds me a lot but I just really did not want to see that jerk's face again so I'd prefer a scolding. Zen thinks for a while before responding. "You gotta drive and you have to buy me snacks." My head zooms back up to face him and a small smile reaches across his face. I don't know why he said yes but hell I'm here for it. We shake hands for the deal setter and both take our respective times to prepare for our game of hooky. I had a loose stripped button up that was dark and light brown and some fit black jeans rolled up to my ankles. I tucked half my shirt into my pants then put on a plain black belt. my shoes were all white.

My brother stood at my door with a simple white shirt, jean jacket and jeans that matched the color of his jacket and wore white shoes like mine. Of course he looked much better than me but I gotta admit I felt good.

Mom went back to sleep since she had made breakfast already and had a rough night before and my dad was already at work. My brother and I headed downstairs speeding down the stairs like kids. He grabbed the keys for me and I grabbed each of us some break fast.

He unlocked the car door for me and I got in first, I sat our stuff down as he got situated and I started up the car, "So where we headed?" Zen smirked.

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