Lackey - 19

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We were all covered in sand from head to toe. Even though 20 minutes of building the castle was having to rebuild it from one of us destroying it, we were able to all agree to not touch it. Me, Zen, and Kai we're all standing some distance away from the castle, admiring our work. The water came up filling out lining of the castle we dug out.

"Damn." Zen said.

"Damn." I followed.

Kai bursted out laughing. "It's like Thing One and Thing Two." He acted like he wiped a tear from his face and Zen lightly slapped his arm. We all decided to go into the water to try and wash the sand off us. We ended playing again in the water. Splashing and dunking each other down into the water. Zen even ended up acting out a shark like he did to me when we were younger.

I was so happy. Compared to the school week before, everything was going great. Seeing Zen and Kai's smiles really made me feel so grateful for those two idiots. My loveable idiots.

After about an hour of playing in the ocean we packed up our stuff, cleaned our trash and headed off the beach. Someone entered as we left and the line seemed shorter than we when we were in it.

We drove to the showers and all of us washed as much sand off as we could and decided to also change while we there. Zen and I changed together and Kai changed after us. Kai offered to drive since Zen seemed exhausted. He agreed so they switched seats. Zen in the back, Kai in the front. We all got situated and Kai rolled all the windows down as I opened the sunroof. And just like that we headed off, warm wind blowing through the car going through all of our hair. All of us smiling and singing to the music Zen is blasting.

I'm happy.

AN: sorry for the short episode I'm going prom dress shopping and wanted to get smth out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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