Lackey - 16

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The spinner began to get slower and slower with no one continuing to push it. Once it came to a stop Zen hops off as Kai helps me down. We decide to take a few pictures on the spinner and some on the other equipment too before deciding what we're gonna do next. Everyone began to pitch in their ideas. One by one we made a plan so everyone's idea can be included, the beach, ice cream, and dinner.

Getting to the park took us a little while but it was early in the morning still so we didn't lose much sun. To follow through with our beach plans we had to get ready so we decided to go to my house. My brother and I decided to just let Kai follow us. Kai needed clothing so I let him use mine instead of Zen even though Zen protested that Kai use his. It took a little to convince Kai to wear them but he eventually agreed.

Zen was changing in his room and I was changing in mine, Kai offered to change in the bathroom but it's small so I convinced him to change in my room. I took my shirt off slowly, scared to expose Kai to my unbuilt slim figure. He didn't seem to mind it so my shoulders eased and I continued to change. I turned around to grab my shirt from my bed when I accidentally bumped into Kai's chest. It was soft, squishy almost, but as I looked at it, it looked the complete opposite.

He caught my shoulder, "Woah there bunny, you alright?" a soft giggle slipped through his lips accompanied by a slight smile.

"Y-yea. Sorry. I just lost my footing there." I tried to laugh it off but I was embarrassed. "Do you mind handing me my shirt? It's right behind you."

"Oh yea no problem." He turned and I was able to get just a slight glance of his back. so wide and built yet so slime and soft. My hand slightly reached for his back before he spun around and handed me my shirt. It wasn't as hard to put on as it used to. Then again I lost some weight over the time of when I last used it.

The three of us finished getting dressed and grabbed the necessary items like sun screen and sun glasses. It got a little warmer outside and the weather was great. Kai left his car at my house so we took Zen's. Zen drove, obviously and I sat out front with him. As much as I wanted to sit next to Kai, I couldn't pass an opportunity to have a little brother moment.

We all put our windows down and buckled up. Zen put on the radio and set some nice 'everyone knows these songs so everyone's gonna sing them' songs on. And of course, we all sang. Hands and arms out the windows, hair blowing in the breeze, music blaring out the windows. In this moment I could forget everything. Forget Aaron.

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