Lackey - 5

137 8 3

{Art's POV}

I don't waste anymore time and speed down the stairs carefully to not trip nor drop any food off the trays. I stop at the bottom of the stairs, suddenly thinking about Aaron's face when he was on my lap. I could feel my face getting more red the more I remember. I shake my head to get the image out of my mind. He's too handsome for his own good.

I continue my journey to the lunch room where I bump into Zen again. "Art, thank god." He placed his hand on my  shoulder. "You normally eat lunch with us? You've never had lunch anywhere else, where were you and what were you doing?"

"I said I would tell you at home didn't I?" I replied, annoyance in my tone.

"Yea but. I'm worried. This is a first for you..."

"I get your worried but you don't have to be. Let me be the older brother for once and worry for you."

Zen's head lowered in guilt. I handed him my tray as I had Aaron's then wrapped that free arm around his neck. "Come on help me with this tray." I smiled. "I have to hurry." Zen nodded and we both emptied the Tray's then went our separate ways from the lunch room doors. He went to class and I normally would too but I had to make my way to the stairs.

I stopped behind the wall of the stairs before I had to see Aaron's dumb face again. I closed my eyes and let out a big sigh. After having my moment of dread I go to turn the corner and bump into Aaron coming down the stairs. I fall back onto my butt but Aaron didn't move an inch. "You were almost late."

"It that all you have to say!?"

"What else is there for me to say?"

"You should apologize to me!"

"I'm not the one who wasn't looking when walking."

I grit my teeth and help myself up knowing Aaron won't help me. "Thanks dick." I shot him a glare. "You're welcome." His eye's never landing on me. That's right he's never truly looked at me. He always has a dark hint in his eyes. Except that one time he was on my lap...

I suddenly begin to remember Aaron's face and his eyes. I can feel my face getting hotter and my pants get tighter. I crouch down in embarrassment. Art what are you doing getting hard over this jerk's face. Pull yourself together.

"Hey what's taking you so long. Get up we have to go to class." I hear Aaron's foot steps approaching me. No stop. Don't get closer. You're gonna see...

I hugged myself closer but it was no use because Aaron kicked me back making me lose my balance and fall over. Once I fell over it was exposed. "Ohhh." Aaron smirked. "What made you get hard so suddenly You weren't before we bumped into each other." He began to get closer to me so the only thing I could do was crawl back until I hit the wall. He looked at me then his watch.

"Class has already started." He bent down in front of me, super close to my face. What is he going to do? I closed my eyes preparing for the worst when I felt Aaron's hand slip up mt shirt and begin to unzip my pants. "W-what are you doing? stop-" A moan escapes my mouth as I feel Aaron's hand on me, cutting off my sentence. "S-stop." My face is a tomato at this point.

"We're gonna be late anyways. So why not have some fun?" Aaron smirked at me with the same dark hint in his eyes. But there was something else there. Something more. Something fierce. "N-no. Please-" I couldn't speak. I become so weak.

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