Lackey - 18

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"Who's trying to finally swim?" Kai pitches in. We finished eating some food we brought and maybe we brought too much cause we all have a lot left. Zen raises his hand letting himself finish off his second can of soda before getting up off his chair and throwing away the empty can to stand next to Kai.

I stand up and wave them off, "I'll put the food away and join you guys when it's all secured so the sand gods don't take it."

"Make sure the sand gods don't take you either!" Kai yells as him and Zen are running towards the water. I grab and wrap my food, then Zen's, then Kai's. He barely ate but I bet it's so he didn't feel sick swimming. He's smart like that. I shake my head and giggle, placing everything in the cooler.

Kai and Zen are giggling down at the water and they're so loud I can still hear them from the car. I looked around for any trash or drinks that can be closed and there's nothing. I'm done. Walking towards the water was a pretty sight. My best friend and brother having the time of their life. Can I call him my best friend?

Zen sees me at the edge of the water and comes up to me. "Scared?" he crouches down. I smirk and raise an eyebrow, "Scared of what? You using some unknown god water power to swallow me in the ocean whole?" Zen lifts me up and walks me to towards the water. I'm trying to struggle and call out to Kai for his help but he's too busy laughing at the sight of me being kidnapped by my own brother.

When the water is deep enough, my brother tosses me in, "Oh why yes, I'm the water god. God of the water if you couldn't tell. I shall order this water to swallow your body whole with no hesitation." He does some weird move so I act as if I'm swallowed by the ocean just as he said.

I stay under, trying to scare them when a wave goes right above, allowing me to better perform my surprise. I hear muffled voices of Kai and Zen probably calling out my name. I feel movement to where I was and move away. After just a little more I come back up behind them but they don't notice.

"Arttttt!" Zen is desperately screaming my name and swimming around, getting loads of water in his mouth. I feel bad but I've already gone this far. I turn over where Kai is standing. He's frozen. His hands either on his forehead or covering his eyes. I can see his back and how fast he's breathing.

I don't want to drag it out anymore. I don't want to make it awkward and so I try to joke around and yell, "I am the god of all god's! One merely water god cannot kill me!"

Zen and Kai both turn around and face me, Kai's hands are removed from his face. He was crying. You would blame it on the water but his eyes are red. Zen pushes through the water to me and slaps my arm, "Not funny you jerk! Go kiss my ass." He turns away from me. Kai is slow to come to me and when he does there's no words that escape his mouth.

I started to apologize but I'm cut short with his arms enveloping me. His bare chest against mine. I can already feel my face getting hot and my breathing is unsteady. He whispers in my ear, "Please don't ever scare me like that again." I know he doesn't want me to say anything back so I just hug him.

It's quite awkward for a little with just pure silence before Zen breaks it,"Sand castle time!" Kai let's me go and we both laugh at Zen, "A child in a teen body some would say."

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