Lackey - 6

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{Art's POV}

My head flung back with the touch of Aaron's hand. "S-stop..." I could barely speak. I tried to push Aaron off but he was too strong for my now weakened body. I bit my lip trying to keep my moans inside in case anyone were to walk near. Plus I didn't want this jerk to hear me. But it was no use because Aaron stuck his thumb in my mouth making it open and all the noises I tried to cage, all came out.

Aaron moved his hand faster causing me to moan out his name by accident. I quickly covered my mouth and he stopped his hand. "I- I'm sorry." Aaron put his hand underneath me and lifted me up to his hip. He didn't look at me and just took me to the bathroom. "Put me down jerk!" He wasn't listening to me and just kept going. The bathroom was close so it didn't take long to get there. We went into the far stall and he tossed me on the toilet. "Ow! What was that for-" I looked down and Aaron....had a boner!?!?! "W-what?"

He bent down in front of me so our faces met. "You caused this by moaning out my name like that, so you have to take responsibility." I backed up and tried to pull my pants up but Aaron was preventing me. "Let me out of here!" I pushed at Aaron for him to get off, he just wouldn't budge. He finally let go but ended up flipping me over. He pulled his pants down then pinned my hands against the wall.

"Aaron stop! I said I was sorry. It just came out okay!? I'll admit it! Yes I got hard because I remembered you're face when you were on my will you please stop."

"Your actions say the opposite."


I felt as Aaron went between my thighs. "Aaron." I moaned out again which caused him to moved faster. My body was covered in sweat as well as Aaron's. What is he doing? What am I doing? What were we doing? I didn't have answers but I didn't want him to stop. Even though I told him to. I guess he was right. I gripped onto his arm as I got close to releasing.

"Aaron I'm-"

"I know. Me too."

He moved a little faster and we both released. I slumped down onto the seat as Aaron cleaned himself. Once he was done he turned me around and cleaned me. "I can do it myself." I groaned. "Catch your breath." he took more toilet paper and wiped the sweat off my face. His eyes..they're not as dark as before. He has such pretty eyes. It's no wonder many girls have fallen for him. But they ignore the fact that he's a huge douche.

Aaron finished helping me and flushed all the toilet paper down. He lifted my chin up and inspected my face. "I went easy on you and yet your so tired." He smirked. That was him going easy!? What happens Art stop.

I felt Aaron's hands go underneath me as he picked me up again. "No choice but to go home." he sighed. Home? He doesn't even know where I live. "What do you mean? You don't know where I live and I can't trust telling you either." I Put my hands on his shoulders to prevent myself from falling.

"We're going to my house."

"No. Most certainly we are not."

Aaron lightly pushed my head on his shoulder and whispered for me to just be quiet and deal. I had no energy to fight back and quiet frankly I was comfortable. I just watched as we passed the classrooms. I wonder what Zen will say when he realizes I've skipped school. That would also be first. I closed my eyes with the only noise being Aaron's shoes walking down this empty, quiet hall way.

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