Lackey - 12

81 3 3

(Art's POV)

Silence fills the car until Kai breaks it with a question I didn't want to answer but knew I had to, "So...what happened back there?" Kai takes a quick concerning glance at me before putting his eyes back on the road. "Me, Aaron, bed, condoms, force." I thought sharing the main details instead of the whole story would suffice and I think it did. I heard Kai's hands tighten on the steering wheel and his posture straighten. He mumbled some words but I wasn't able to hear what they were.

I turned to look out the window thinking maybe Kai thinks I'm lying. Maybe he's angry at me. Will I be sued under false accusations towards sexual assault? But the warm touch of Kai's hands pulled me out of thoughts and into reality. "I' m sorry. I knew something was up but going against young master would put my entire life at risk...I should have said something. I should have stayed. I'm so sorry Art." Kai's voice was shaky and so full of concern I wanted to hug him. Instead I smiled to him and said, "It's not your fault, It's Aaron's..."

 The street lights began to flicker slower and slower, the car coming to a halt. We were about half way to my house and there were no stores around only woods. Kai took a sigh breaking my eyes from the street light to him. He planted his forehead onto the steering wheel and didn't say anything for a while. I kept my eyes on him, searching for any kind of hint to his thoughts. There was nothing. After sometime he began to apologize to me again. Saying he should've stayed even if his life was in jeopardy. 

I didn't know what to do at that moment. I lifted his shoulder so his body was straight again and turned his face towards me. I never realized how pretty his eyes were. Looking into them made me feel like I wasn't even looking at a human, rather, a god. The slight hint of tears and the shining of the street lights made him glow ten times more. His eyes concentrated on mine as I spoke with sincerity, "Everything is fine, okay? I'm not a kid, I can handle this. Aaron will forget I exist within a weeks time if I avoid him which I'm good at being invisible." I was finally able to get Kai to smile a bit before he centered himself and finished driving the way to my house. We did take a small detour to a grocery stop to get me a little snack and while we were in there, I found small matching keychains of bears. 

I bought them and gave one to Kai, thinking it would cheer him up a bit. As I thought, Kai's lips curved up just slightly to form a smile. Even if it wasn't his full smile, it was still something. We left with my snacks and Kai still refusing to get anything for himself. 

The remainder of the car ride back home was met with silence but the calming silence. The kind of silence where you just enjoy each others company. I would take glances over at Kai, he still seemed angry or troubled but better than he was before. Once we reached my house he got out quicker than I could and opened my door for me. 

I stepped out and looked up at Kai, his ice eyes were starting into my lagoon looking green eyes, searching for something. I smiled at him and looked back down feeling my face already getting hot. He placed one arm next to me on the now closed car door, while his other hand lifted my chin so our eyes met again. 

Kai's voice was much softer and quite than any other time I would hear him talk, "If you need anything, you have my number." I did two small and quick nods. I could smell Kai's cologne. His shampoo. Him. He had a great smell you can melt into. Our faces inched closer with each passing moment until Kai pulled away taking a fake cough. " should probably head in..." He grabbed my jacket from the back seat and placed it gently on my shoulders. 

Shivers ran down my arms with his touch and the cold from his rings. "Have a nice night Art." he said before bowing and heading back behind the wheel of his car. I waved goodbye and watched as he rode off. Getting further and further into the clutter of trees until the only thing remaining was his touch and the smell of his cologne. 

Once he was gone I headed back in and my dad was watching TV. He ignored my lateness and continued watching the show playing. It was about sports or something of the sorts. Making my way up the stairs I realized how exhausted I am, and instead of doing my daily "play games and watch Youtube till 1am", I decided to just sleep.  

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