Chapter 3

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The sight of Bennet heaving from exercise and half naked sent my mind spinning. I had come by to see Vee and did not expect to bump into his six pack. He had a body like a model and as corny as that sounded I had no other way to describe him. Combined with the aloof way he always treated me the man made me tense. It wasn't a creepy kind of tense but more like "my senses are tingling" tense and I had never felt anything like it before. Usually when we hung out Luke had always been there and I was able to keep myself busy or distract myself if necessary. Honestly though Bennett's behavior toward me had always baffled. From recollection I had never done anything to annoy him, we didn't have a history and since he would very often leave any room that I walked into I had come to the conclusion that he must not like me very much.

Putting my bag down on the counter I searched for something to keep myself busy until Vee showed up. Hearing the shower running down the hall was almost just as bad as having Bennet here in the same room. Finding the coffee grinder and coffee beans I set out to make some coffee. It was almost past 5pm on a Sunday but I definitely needed the boost. I had freshened up as best I could and put on a little makeup and clean clothes but I still felt weak and sluggish from all the emotional energy exerted over the past few days.

As soon as the coffee finished I started searching for a mug. The dish washer was empty and the cupboard right above the coffee maker which usually held mugs and cups was now full of boxed cereal and crackers. What the hell?

More searching left me empty handed until I got to the very top cupboard above the cereal and brushed it open with the tip of my finger. Stretching my 5 "4" frame on my tip toes I barely grabbed the mugs that had been pushed toward the back when I felt a solid warmth behind me and saw Bennet's tanned forearm and hand come into view. Glancing down further revealed his left hand on the other side of me and without warning I found myself trapped between his hard body and the countertop as he grabbed that damn elusive mug. It all happened in less than ten seconds but still left me buzzed quicker than a cup of caffeine ever could. As far as I could remember that was as willingly close as Bennet had ever gotten to me and as usual I was confused by his behavior.

I let him know my thanks as I grabbed the coffee pot and started to pour.

"I hadn't realized you guys moved the mugs."

Ugh what was I saying?

"Wes gets the jitters every few months and likes to change things up."

Turning around I noticed his stance was as casual as his words. He leaned against the kitchen island like he hadn't just shot my heart rate up a minute ago. His outfit of slacks, chukkas and a loose button down was not helping things. His sleeves were rolled back and my stomach clenched with nervous energy. I just wanted Vee to get back and then I wanted to get the hell out of here.

Before I could open my mouth to make small talk the front door burst open and Wes appeared yelling out the all too familiar line.

"Honey I'm home!!"

Spotting me in the kitchen he dived at me. Barely getting my coffee on the counter top before it sloshed everywhere I found myself locked in one of Weston's hugs.

"Oh my darling, its been an eternity."

Smashed up against his chest I croaked out my answer.

"I just saw you last week."

"Yes but even a few days feels like forever."

Thankfully I heard Vee's voice in the background.

"Uh Wes, Leah needs to breath oxygen in order to live."

"Oh right." Wes released me and then just as quickly rumpled the top of my hair. "She's just so stinking cute!"

I sighed and straightened out my clothes. Wes's sense of humor boardered on annoying. He was loud and sometimes obnoxious but usually always said the most outrageous things to get a laugh. In other words he was completely opposite of Bennet who seemed brooding and silent most of the time. I had no idea how they had become best friends. The law of attraction no doubt.

Wes had always treated me like a little sister and thankfully the feeling was mutual. I don't think I would of been able to handle his personality otherwise.

Vee's concerned voice punctured my musing.

"Leah you look like crap! What happened?"

I gave her a look that said to shut up and she nodded before answering

"Do you want to go out and get a bite to eat? I'm starving!"

Wes popped into the conversation

"I thought we were going to have dinner at The Pub tonight?"

Vee barely glanced his way as she grabbed her keys and handed me my purse.

"Good idea, meet us there in an hour."

Whatever Wes's response we didn't hear it as Vee pushed me out the door and into the car.

All Or NoneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora