Chapter 18

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I had told her not to think about it but I was the one that couldn't stop thinking about it. The memory of what happened between us was driving me insane. If I thought I was tormented before I knew nothing of the word until now. The week inched by and sped up all at once. I was in a different place mentally, I still pushed myself at the gym, I still went to work and did everything I always did but my head was in the clouds. At night I dreamed of Leah and in the day I fantasized about what I would do the next time I had her in my arms. Sometimes it was wild, and other times it was just as simple as holding her.

I'm not sure if Wes wondered what was up, it was hard to know with him. Our interaction was usually pretty easy but out of the blue over breakfast the Wednesday following the previous weekend he brought it up. I had asked him how the weekend had gone with him and Sylvie and was slightly teasing him about taking her to see his parents.

"So is it getting serious? Thinking about putting a ring on it?"

I had said it in a humorous way but Wes turned somber.

"Do you think she'd say yes if I asked?"

"Are you serious? You guys practically live together."

"Sylvia is funny that way. Whenever I even hint at marriage she tells me she's not ready."

Then after a pause he added

"But then she proceeds to jump my bones."

I laughed when he wagged his eyebrows at me.

"Well maybe she wants to take it easy for a little while."

Wes shrugged

"It's already been two years and I don't exactly come from a liberal family background."

"Are your parents pressuring you?"

"Nah, they know better. But you's also what's implied."

Trying to offer some encouragement I went on.

"Well just see where things go from here. She seems pretty fond of you" I added with a wink.

Wes swallowed his bite of food and just as I was going in to butter my toast

"Yeah, kind of the way you feel for Leah."

I completely stilled and looked over at him open mouthed. Never in a million years did I expect those words.

You could hear a pin drop

"What did you say?"

"Oh come on man. I know you have the hots for her. You're practically running from the room when she walks in."

I tried to keep it cool by taking a bite of toast. It felt like dust in my mouth and I focused fully on not knocking my chair to the ground and demanding how the hell he knew what he was talking about.

I poured all the nonchalance I could into my tone.

"I wasn't aware indifference equated to having feelings."

The gleam in Wes' eyes made me think he thought this was all in great fun.

"Well not usually but you're a one of a kind, Bennett. You're too worried about being vulnerable so you act how you should and repress your true feelings."

He talked like he was reading the weather report. I wanted to strangle him.

I glared. He smiled a goofy grin before dropping another bomb on me.

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