Chapter 7

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🔹 LEAH 🔹

Bennet sat in the drivers seat next to me and didn't say a word. I closed my eyes and tried not to let my roiling stomach get the best of me. I hadn't drunk this much in a long time. I wasn't really the party going kind of girl and too often it was because I felt out of my element. I didn't know how to be flirtatious or come across as "cool" or "fun." I did love to dance and had taken dance lessons for most of my childhood and teenage years but I never went to a club to dance solo and usually only went with girlfriends. I thought of Vee, it would of been a lot better if she was with me tonight. Bennet said she had a flat tire and I guess that was why he was the one driving me home. I glanced over at him again and for the first time noticed his hands gripping the steering wheel. Was he angry? I put my hand to my stomach to quail my nausea and before I thought better of it I asked him.

"Did I do something wrong?"

He looked over at me quickly as if he was surprised I had asked what I did.

Shaking his head he responded

"It doesn't matter."

My eyes misted over. Why was I upset? I never realized before how drinking exaggerated your emotions. Not for the first time I wondered why Bennet treated me so coldly.

I abandoned any further conversation to concentrate on the horrible feeling of being drunk in a moving vehicle. My head was spinning and my nausea was getting worse. I must of groaned slightly because Bennet's eyes were back on me. The intensity of his gaze didn't escape me this time.

"How do you feel?"

I replied as best I could

"Not good, are we almost home?"

He nodded right as we pulled into my apartment complex. Vee must of given him directions.

He parked outside of my building number and came around to my door. Feeling like I couldn't walk straight even if I tried, I put my arm around his neck and he supported me with his left arm. At any other time I probably would of noticed that he smelled damn good, but I was too busy regretting every single alcoholic shot and vodka tonic to actually focus on anything happening around me.

"What floor?"


We went up the stairs and when we got to my door he rummaged through my purse for my keys as I leaned my head against the wall and tried not to lose my dinner right in front of him. God I felt like such an idiot.

The second I got through the front door I ran to my bathroom and threw up over the toilet bowl. I held my hair back as best I could and leaned over the white porcelain, thanking God that I had just cleaned it the day before. My whole body trembled and I let out a groan as I wretched again, hoping after many heaves that this would be the last one. Just when I thought I couldn't support my weight a second longer I felt a warm touch on the back of my neck, smoothing my hair in place and holding me up.

I knew it was Bennet and strangely enough I felt relief from my head to my toes.

I reached over and shut the lid and flushed the toilet. When the noise had finally receded I propped myself up as best I could while he moved over to the side. His hand still on the small of my back.

"I'm an idiot." I lamented

Strangely his voice soothed me

"It's okay, considering the circumstances it's understandable."

I knew that he must of known but I felt like saying it anyways.

"Luke and I broke up."

He said nothing for a long time and just when I thought he wouldn't he asked.

"Are you in love with him?"

I thought about it, then shook my head slightly and replied.

"I don't know. I mainly just feel like shit."

I looked at him again through blurry eyes and could of sworn he had a smile on his face.

That was the last thing I registered before I passed out.

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