Chapter 14

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▪️ Bennet ▪️

The evening had drifted by with laughter and fun banter helped along with cold beer and good friends. Most of my attention had been successfully channeled to anything besides Leah and with a few drinks in me I actually felt less tense and more happy then I had in awhile. Wes as usual was the life of the party and had a group of us in side aches from laughing so hard. Turner had eventually joined in along with Josh and his girlfriend Alyssa. Vee was off traipsing around with Leah from what I could tell and I wasn't all that surprised to notice a slight swerve in her step. Wes had hinted about having had an argument with her earlier on in the day. The typical aftermath was her avoiding him at all costs while he gave her space at the same time keeping her in his line of sight and pointedly staring at any man who engaged her in conversation. There was no doubt that things would get wild later on at my apartment. Whenever Wes and Vee made up after an argument things got passionate. I shrugged at the thought, it wasn't my way but I understood it. Then again I had never been the jealous type and very much doubted that the way I would tense up about Leah was anything more than just feeling protective. I would never dream about acting on it though because as I knew all too well it wasn't my right to feel protective of her in the first place.

My thoughts were broken by Wes signaling someone behind me for another beer. I didn't have to wait long before I knew that someone was Leah. A whiff of her scent assailed my senses and automatically my defenses came up. When she walked into my line of vision it was no surprise that those defenses weakened. She was wearing a flowing white dress with what appeared to be a lace bra and strapy sandals. The white accented her tan skin and the highlights shimmering in her hair. I quickly took a swig of my drink as not to be caught staring. The warmth that flowed through my body only heightened my need and I inwardly cursed my blasted response to this woman. I was a fool to think I had any control over it. As usual the look on my face gave nothing away and I held myself rigid as she reached by me to hand Wes his drink.

A gust of wind decided at that moment to assail the group of us and I watched as Leah held her dress down with her hands and slightly shivered at the cold. I could see the goose bumps breaking out on her skin and the way her taunt nipples pebbled against her dress. Instinctively I bit my tongue and shoved my hands further into my jean pockets while quickly glancing around at the other men in the group to see if they had noticed. Turner had his eyes on her face, which wasn't exactly surprising . Leah was beautiful and most men took the chance to get to know her, I had surmised Turner had done just that when I had watched the two of them chatting for a few minutes earlier on. Wes's voice broke my tense train of that when he addressed Leah once again.

"Aww, you're shivering"

Leah rubbed her arms in attempt to get rid of the goosebumps.

"Oh I'll be fine, just a little chilly is all"

Wes's voice rose up an octave

"Well I'm sure someone around here has a jacket to keep you warm"

I could see the soft smile Leah gave him at his concern.

"No really I'm fine" was her response.

It was then I noticed Wes's pointed look in my direction as he repeated his words a little more loudly

"I'm sure someone around here has a jacket to keep you warm"

Seeing Turner starting to unbutton his flannel and not needing another demonstration by the loudest and probably most drunk person in our vicinity I quickly took off my jacket and turned to Leah to offer what Wes had so graciously already offered on my behalf. I was going to wring his neck later.

I could tell it was on the tip of her tongue to refuse but Wes chimed in once more and broke the sentence he had already started up again.

"Don't be such a martyr Leah, you're cold! Put on the jacket!"

As soon as his outburst subsided he was onto the next part of his story like he hadn't just put me in direct contact with the one person I had been avoiding. She reluctantly smiled at me as I put my arms over her head to place the worn leather on her petite frame. Needing to put her arms through the sleeves she turned into me and just like that I was at square one.

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