Chapter 6

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The club pulsated with techno music and a colorful strobe light moved across the floor sweeping over the throng of people dancing and standing at the bar. I walked down the hallway and over to the table Wes had said was reserved. This wasn't our usual hang out but when the occasion called for it we did come to Club Danza often enough. Yet for the life of me I couldn't figure what prompted the occasion now. Spotting Wes at a table in the corner to the left I walked up and had a seat.

"Hey man" I greeted him with a nod before asking "Where is everyone?"

"Oh, Vee is on her way and Leah is getting a drink at the bar."

As if my mind automatically sensed her location I averted my gaze away from Wes until I spotted her at the bar. At first I thought she stood next to Luke because she was standing close to a man who was clearly rubbing his hand across her shoulder while she smiled and sipped on a drink. On further inspection I realized it wasn't Luke at all.

I raised an eyebrow "A little inappropriate don't you think?"

Wes glanced in the direction I had been looking.

"Nah, her and Luke broke up. Poor girl is a mess."

My heart felt like lead in my chest at the unexpected news and I strived to keep my next words completely casual.

"Since when?"

Wes gave me a look that suggested I had been living under a rock.

Well fuck I didn't keep tabs on Leah, it was bad enough that she was here tonight.

"Since over a month now."

I nodded and said nothing else. That definitely explained Leah's odd appearance last time I saw her.

Wes spoke up again.

"Vee thought it would be a good idea to come out tonight and get her mind off things."

I couldn't help the scowl

"So this is what? Leah's initiation back into single society? No offense Wes but I'm not here to babysit a drunk girl."

Wes focused his eyes on me and if I had any doubt that he was pissed off his next words made it clear that he was.


"What is your problem Bennet? Could you try for two minutes to be decent to Leah? If you would just get your head out of your own ass for once you would see she needs a friend right now!"

I was stunned into not giving an immediate reaction. It was not often that Wes got upset and I did not want to be on the receiving end a minute longer then necessary. He didn't understand how being around Leah put me on edge and I wasn't about to explain it to him.

I put my hands up in surrender and hoped he understood that I wasn't here for a fight.

Wes looked like he wasn't finished when the object of our conversation walked up to our table and slid in the booth next to him. I shifted my attention towards Leah and my blood heated instantly. She wore a little black dress that hinted at modesty in its design but gave everything away with the sheer lace it was made of. Lace covered her collarbone, arms and most of her chest where it then switched to solid material. The bodice pushed up her breast and I could make out her cleavage perfectly trough the lace. Her legs were on full display, accented even further with the pointed heels she wore.

Fuck. I felt like the room was closing in on me. I locked my jaw in hopes I wouldn't blurt out something stupid. Leah as usual had no idea what she did to a man. She was petite but with all the right curves, dressing to show them off was bad news in a place like this. Especially considering she already looked drunk.

I saw Wes put an arm around her and ask her how many drinks she had.

Well thank fuck one of us could be the voice of sanity.

I didn't hear what she mumbled back but he quickly got up and went over to the bar.

Leah didn't get up with him and waved a hand in my direction before going back to her drink. I nodded at her, my eyes involuntarily taking in her dark hair spilled over her shoulder, her flushed cheeks and straining cleavage. Disciplining my wandering eyes back up to her face I noticed how she squirmed under my gaze. Did I make her uncomfortable?

Wes came back with bottled water and handed one in my direction and replaced Leah's drink with one as well.

"Hey Leah, that guy you were talking to at the bar asked if you wanted to join him in the VIP lounge up stairs."

"Really?" Her eyes lit up and I knew I needed to leave now or I would not be responsible for the next words that came out of my mouth.

Leah got up slowly.

"Just call me when Vee gets here."

As soon as she left I leveled Wes with a look that said "Seriously? The guy at the bar?"

"Oh come on Bennet, she's on the rebound let her have some fun. I'm keeping an eye on her so she doesn't get into any trouble."

Just then Wes's ringtone sounded. He mentioned it was Vee before answering the phone. Thirty seconds in I could tell it wasn't good news. He hung up and grabbed his keys off the table.

"What's wrong?"

"Vee has a flat tire, you're probably going to have to take Leah home."


"Doesn't she have AAA? Just call a towing service."

Wes looked like he was ready to punch me.

"Oh yeah and leave my girlfriend to get raped on the side of the highway in the meantime."

I glared at him.

Sensing my frustration he tried to appease me.

"Look just take Leah home and we'll call it a night. I'll drop Sylvie off at her place once I get the car going."

After he left I got up and moved towards the VIP area. I definitely wasn't sticking around for this freak show.

The VIP lounge was made up of little rounded booths that you could draw a curtain around for privacy. And unfortunately almost every curtain was closed. I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair. Just my luck, Wes owed me big time.

The first booth held a gay couple who asked if I cared to join them. I politely declined and went to the next, it held two girls and one guy. I guess it was his lucky night I thought with a smirk. The third booth a group of screaming girls on a bachelorette party and thankfully the fourth booth I found who I was looking for. Except she was on the lap of "that guy from the bar" and for all intents and purposes they were making out.

I tried not to let my anger get the best of me. I tried not to notice her straddling his lap or the fact that he was moderately handsome but yet sloppy as hell. Or the fact that he was holding onto her like a piece of meat. I just grabbed her arm and her purse before letting her know.

"Party's over, time to go."

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