Chapter 8

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Leah looked so fragile and heart broken that I immediately felt like protecting her. I was so used to suppressing my reactions towards her that it felt foreign to actually hold her when she needed help or console her when she cried. I hated to see her torn up over Luke but the man was a moron who didn't deserve her. I hoped she realized that sooner or later.

I know I shouldn't of smiled when she said she didn't think she was in love with him but the truth was that regardless of my intentions never to pursue her I couldn't pass up the opportunity to find out.

Almost as soon as she gave me a puzzled look she fainted. I caught her before she fell to the ground.

Feeling her warm body go limp in my arms I cursed slightly. I wanted to hurt Wes for allowing her to drink as much as she did. Lowering my ear to her mouth I made sure I could hear her faint breathing, Just to make sure I brushed my thumb across her wrist, letting out a sigh of relief when I felt her steady pulse. Leaning over I hefted her up in my arms and stood. I could feel her skin soft and warm against me as I carried her to the bed. It shot tingles down my spine and I knew I had to get her out of my arms as soon as possible. Thankfully the covers were pulled back already and I placed her against the pillows. Scanning my eyes over her petite frame I removed her heels and brushed the hair away from her face. Her breathing was good and not for the first time I regretted having seen her cleavage spill out through the sheer lace of her dress. When it came to Leah I was a glutton for punishment. The image of her would probably be branded in my memory for many restless nights to come. I rubbed my temple to ease the tension that thought caused.

Taking a step back I glanced around the room at all the furniture and accessories that made this her space. The room was decorated in cream and lavender and held a feminine edge at the same time that it was simple. French doors opened into a balcony to the right of the bed, bringing with it the only natural light during the day, long curtains ordained the sides and fell to the floor. A sitting chair with chevron print was to the left of it and a white desk with a lamp on the right. At the opposite end of the room was a door to what I assume was a closet and on the wall leading up to it was a dresser. Black and white pictures formed an uneven square in a pattern above it. Walking over I could see pictures of all the people she loved. Her parents, grandparents, brother, Wes and Vee and of course the center frame must of held her and Luke because now it was missing.

Suddenly I didn't care to be in her room any longer. Checking on her one last time I pulled the covers over her sleeping frame, left the bathroom light on and walked out, shutting the door quietly behind me. I intended to call Wes and see when Vee would be back. Leah shouldn't be left home alone.

As soon as I grabbed my phone from my pocket I heard a knock at the door. Wondering if Vee was finally back, I opened the door to find a dude with dark hair and a rumpled hoody that said AC/DC standing with one hand in his pocket and another hand holding a bottle of wine. Wtf.

"Can I help you?"

He seemed taken aback to see me.

"Oh hey, is Leah home?" He gestured to the bottle of wine "I'm her neighbor and thought I'd stop by and cheer her up."

I gave him my best intimidating look and glanced at the watch on my right hand.

"It's almost midnight and Leah's asleep."

"Oh man, I heard her get home not too long ago and figured she'd still be up."

"I'll let her know you dropped by."

"Yeah cool, I'm Liam by the way."

I nodded and made no attempt at being civil or introducing myself. I really was in no mood to play hostess.

Sensing my attitude he mumbled good night and walked across the hall back to his place. I shut the door with a thud and ran a hand through my hair.

Could this night get any weirder?

My phone buzzed with a text from Wes. They had gotten Vee's car towed and were stopping to get a bite to eat before heading this way. Knowing how long that could take I made the decision to at least get comfortable.

Walking to what I presumed was a linen closet I opened it and found what I was looking for. An extra sheet, blanket and pillow was all I needed. I made a quick bed on the couch, rinsed my mouth with a bottle of unopened mouth wash that I found in the hallway bathroom and splashed water over my face before I crashed on the sofa. As soon as Vee got home I was out of here.

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