Chapter 12

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One week later.

The balmy beach air calmed me as I strode toward the camp fire and the people surrounding it. The sun had already set and I could see the shadows cast along the sand and hear the voices they belonged to.

Usually our camp fire hang out at the beach was more of a summer past time, but Wes and I had thought it would be fun to break in the tradition slightly earlier this year before most of our friends took off for grad school or to study abroad.

Walking toward where I spotted Wes I received a high five from my friend Josh and a "good to see you man" from another of my friends named Turner. Life was busy and we didn't get to hang out as much as we used to but it was always nice to see a familiar face and catch up on the past few months.

I greeted Wes with our usual handshake and accepted the tiny flask he offered me with a shrug.

"This stuff any good?"

He shook his head "No man, it's awful"

I took a swig and sputtered out a raspy "No shit" as the potent liquid burned down my throat.

"What is this stuff, moon shine?"

"I'm not really sure, my buddy Spencer makes his own whisky. He brought some over tonight."

I gave him an incredulous look.

"You're drinking home made whisky from Spenc? You do remember how he almost melted the science lab in chem our senior year, right?"

Wes looked uneasy as he glanced at the flask one more time.

"You have a point, and now that you mention it my stomach does feel like a hole was melted through it."

I coughed out a laugh behind my closed fist and tried not to make fun.

"I think you'll be fine Wes, you are the man who drank down a cup of your grandfathers vodka at age 5 thinking it was water."

Wes nodded solemnly "Even then I was destined for greatness."

I smirked at his dry humor and asked where I could get a beer. As usual Wes was always cheerful to do any task and took off for a red solo cup. I scanned the small crowd around me while I waited. Taking in the familiar faces and a few new ones. My lazy gaze swept over to the left and clashed right into Leah's inquisitive stare. Blue eyes watched me from under heavy black lashes and I knew that even in the dark I would know those eyes. Not only because of their beauty, but because of the immediate gut reaction they evoked. A gut reaction that I was feeling all to clearly now.

Seeing that I caught her looking in my direction I wasn't too surprised at the wave she threw my way. Yet all the same it was unnerving knowing her attention was focused solely on me. Attention that I was not used to at all. Just then Wes approached with my beer, not wanting to be caught compleltey off guard I nodded in response to her hello and turned to face my friend. Taking the cup he offered me in my right hand I placed my left inside my leather jacket pocket and relaxed the fist I was unconscious of making until now. I tried to be nonchalant even though I could feel her gaze on me as I chatted with Wes about anything and everything. I told myself it was nothing but a few minutes later when I brought my drink to my lips I noticed my hand was still slightly unsteady. Gulping down the amber liquid I finally admitted to myself what I already knew to be true. I had it bad.

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