Chapter 10

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She wanted to make it up to me.


That was the last thing that needed to happen. Leah had no idea how even suggesting such a thing had my heart rate up.

She had come walking out of her room looking like a lost angel. Her wet hair drying in waves around her face and her t-shirt molded over her breasts. I could make out her delicate nipples straining against the fabric and wanted to groan.

The woman hadn't been single for barely a month and it took all my concentration to look her in the eyes while she spoke.

When she asked if I had undressed her I swear that a million dirty thoughts went through my mind. The slight blush that crept up her cheeks had me thinking she thought them too. Didn't she realize she was playing with fire?

I felt like a horrible person turning her down, especially when Wes's words rang through my head from the night before.

"She needs a friend right now."

Maybe so, But I needed my sanity more. One day it might be too much to bear, but I didn't want to think about one day. I was a man firmly grounded in reality with no visions of grandeur when it came to Leah. A fantasy was one thing, God knows I had my fair share about her but if I didn't get control soon I feared I would be set up for a let down that I might never recover from.

Pulling into a parking space at the gym I shut off the engine and grabbed my gym bag. An hour lifting iron was just what my wayward mind needed. After I put myself through the paces I would be able to think straight. At least I hoped I would.

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